Blisters from Walking, Anyone Know How to Prevent?

Good morning MFP'ers!

Last week, I got my tail up, got on the treadmill and walked two miles. By the end of the walk (not jog or run) I had drummed up a beautiful 4 inch blister on my heel. Long story short, I cannot heal properly due to a medication I took in the past. It is just now scabbing over.

My question is this, what factored into getting a blister? Was it too thin of socks? Not tying my shoes tight enough? Overwalking? My heel of my shoe rubbing against it?

I want to correct where I went wrong, because I felt SO good after my walk. I was walking in my Newbalance shoes. Please be gentle with me, I am recently trying to get into better health, and unaccustomed to the proper techniques that will help me in the long run.


  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,862 Member
    When I used to ice skate a recommendation was wearing a thin tight sock (say pantyhose with lycra) under your regular socks. That way any chaffing occurs between the two layers of fabric. Compeed bandages work great over an existing blister.
  • LouiseH238
    LouiseH238 Posts: 199 Member
    In my experience the number one thing that causes blisters is ill-fitting socks and shoes. If your socks are too big, they will rub. If your shoes are too big, with your socks on, they will rub.

    It may sound OTT for walking on a treadmill but I would recommend you go and buy a proper pair of hiking socks that snugly fit your shoes.
  • mjculbertson4512
    mjculbertson4512 Posts: 157 Member
    I use a product called New Skin. Has clove oil to cover wounded areas. You may want to check with your doc, just in case.

    This is a case of socks and shoes. Your shoes may be too large in the heel, causing slippage. Have a running shoe store show you the runners knot to tie your shoes. (this may be online too). I found thin socks work best for me. There are also socks with the grippy stuff on the bottom for runners. In theory, the foot stays in one place in the shoe.
  • SenseiCole
    SenseiCole Posts: 429 Member
    my new gym shoes give me blisters the 1st few times

    I started walking in them thru out the day to soften them, works a treat 20 mins on the rowing machine yesterday no blisters:smile:

    anyone can add me
  • Falyesai
    Falyesai Posts: 41
    Thanks for all the ideas! As for a running shoe store, what should I google specifically to find one in Georgia? By brand?
  • ms_leanne
    ms_leanne Posts: 523 Member
    I would say if your footwear is a bit loose, try buying some thicker walking socks and wear them over your regular socks. I find my running socks nice and comfy and padded too.
  • Dewdropps
    Dewdropps Posts: 111
    I went to the pharmacy area in Walmart and stepped onto the Dr. Scholls Mat they have there. It senses where you put most pressure etc. It recommended I get a specific insert for my shoes and although it cost me around $50, I was desperate so got them. Haven't gotten a blister since.
  • Falyesai
    Falyesai Posts: 41
    Also any suggestions on what are good walking shoes to be looking at? Or is my newbalance ok? I can't run because of an old injury (had to have my achilies tendon cut halfway, so now that I am older it bothers me when I try to run. Jarrs it somehow.)
  • Falyesai
    Falyesai Posts: 41
    I went to the pharmacy area in Walmart and stepped onto the Dr. Scholls Mat they have there. It senses where you put most pressure etc. It recommended I get a specific insert for my shoes and although it cost me around $50, I was desperate so got them. Haven't gotten a blister since.

    Oh lordy, I wonder what it would say about mine. For the past few years, I have walked around either barefoot or with flipflops. (I am positive that hasn't helped any)
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Tons of running stores in GA. Fleet Feet, Totally running, peachtree running.

    You only have 1 set of feet. Spend the money for proper shoes or you WILL regret it later.
  • todayis4me
    todayis4me Posts: 184 Member
    I will preface my reply with the the knowledge that I am a penny pinching fool. I do not like to pay for anything especially for something for myself ...........that said after years of dealing with blisters THE ABSOLUTE BEST THING I DID WAS WALK INTO THAT REALLY EXPENSIVE SHOE STORE AND GET PROPERLY FITTED! I can not tell how wonderful my feet felt. The salesperson was knowledgeable. She realized my issues right foot a little a little bigger.....a narrow heal.....she got me a proper size and showed me different ways of lacing the shoes in order to address slippage etc. I paid $100 bucks for those shoes but the information I got and the lovely way they felt was so worth every penny! My advice go get fitted by pro !
  • iscarrie
    iscarrie Posts: 1 Member
    I use to get them all the time even though I tried all these suggestions so I went to the shoe store and ended up with a pair of running shoes that has a soft back at the heal not a hard back. They are a perfect in my opinion. And as a added benefit they have thick white tread for a cushioned walk. Brand does not matter although mine are Nikes'.
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    I've walked for fitness and relaxation nearly my entire adult life. No blisters. The key? GOOD, properly fitting shoes. I wear them with thin, yet " cushioned" on the bottom socks. Nothing really special, but sport socks vs. " everyday" casual socks. I get them at Target.

    Lots of great shoes and shoe stores. Get fitted. Spend the $$. Worth every penny. I'm into minimalist / zero drop shoes these days for walking. Merrell Pace Glove my current fave.
  • hosegirl
    hosegirl Posts: 157
    New Balance is a good shoe. I agree with everyone else it is the sock and shoe combination as well as the shape of you foot. I would go to the Dt. Scholls good feet sensor. You can try moleskin for the blister. Dr Scholls brand. My son would use it when he was out west fighting forest fires. He qould be working 10-14 hour days in boots.. He said that he and his fellow fire fighters were ever so greatfult hat mom packed extra mole skin!:smooched:
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    I definitely second what everyone has said above about going to a running shoe store (not a large chain like D icks) and getting properly fitted for shoes. But, also make sure you're wearing "active wear" socks, not cotton. You can find them at Walmart or Target. They'll wick away the moisture which will help.

    Edited because MFP apparently thought the name of the store was bad
  • nekoface
    nekoface Posts: 149 Member
    I blister easily around my ankles. I walk a lot and up mountains and things and wear really comfortable leather shoes. I have proper running shoes and find them less comfortable than when I wear leather shoes or moccasins. It's worth trying old-school soft leather walking shoes and I find they tend to be cheaper and more flexible for walking long distances than running shoes. I find that I need to break in running shoes or I blister but don't with soft leather shoes or moccasins. Thick socks are also useful. Another thing you could check out are those little blister protection pads that you can stick on the bit of your shoe where you get blisters. I think they're normally used with heels and such but I've used them when breaking in boots and they're really useful.
  • jrbb03092
    jrbb03092 Posts: 198 Member
    On top of what everyone else has recommended, I'd suggest getting a stick of Bodyglide:

    You can order it online through a number of places and it'll run you $10-15 but last you a long time

    You rub it over a "hot spot" (preferably before the blister forms) and it'll stop the rubbing that forms the blister

    Once you have the start of a blister, it will stop it from getting worse and once it's healing, it will stop it from forming again

    I have two sticks of this - one I use on my feet on huge walks and one I use on my thighs when wearing skirts and dresses to stop chafing - I swear by the stuff
  • JasmineRose14
    JasmineRose14 Posts: 34 Member
    I havent read all of the replys, so I apologize if I am reapeating but, tighter shoes immediately solved my blisters issues!
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Everyone gets blisters, hate to say. But, you should start seeing a pattern develop. I get blisters on my heels if I don't wear socks that come up over the lip enough. My shoe will start rubbing and then I will get a blister. I either use certain socks when I run, or I use mole skin. Mole skin is great, and it helps a lot. You can use it on already formed blisters, or if you know of trouble spots on your feet, you can apply it before hand and prevent the blisters from forming. That is what I do at least.
  • jaxCarrie
    jaxCarrie Posts: 214 Member
    Go to the running store and get fitted for walking shoes - also, I find that straight cotton socks give me blisters (mine are running, but should apply to walking too.) I also coat my feet with a really thin layer of vaseline before I do any distance greater than 7/8 miles....helps with the friction.

    Although being that this was from a 2 miler on the treadmill, I'd guess it's due to slippage on your shoe.