Cleansing Diet



  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Ok, so not 15 pounds. I just want to slim down a bit. I want to loose 5-10 pounds, but 15 would be the best.

    You know what would be the best?

    The best would be for you to start learning the very basics about fitness and nutrition.
    The best would be for you to eat mostly whole foods, get adequate nourishment, and stay active in your lifestyle. Do some exercise.
    The best would be for you to disregard any idea of "I need to lose X lbs because prom.
    The best would be for you to set yourself up for good habits moving forward.
    The best would be for you to accept your body and if you want to change it, do it slowly and intelligently.

    You really need to scrap the idea of a cleanse.

    boom goes the dynamite.

    right on dude
  • missADS1981
    missADS1981 Posts: 364 Member
    As a young female getting ready for the prom let's be a little bit more sympathetic here. We've all been there - have a big event to get ready for, don't feel 100% comfortable with our weight, etc. Hell, i will admit I have been there and to an extent we all do some different measures to get ready for a bikini vacation or even prom/wedding so give her a little bit of a break before we all come down on her for asking.

    Now that I've said that, because honestly I wish I knew now what I didnt know as a young teenage girl, is that eating less is not going to help in the long run. going on some "cleanse" is not going to help you at all and only hurt you in the end. Actually there is no medical sound proof that a cleanse does anything at all for the body. your body just doesnt hold toxins in your system, its engineered to pass it through the system so any cleanse you read or see is just marketing. if you'd like to do a "cleanse" to mentally start with a clean slate, ok go for it. but there is no medical backing that this should be done or needs to be done.

    what i suggest, is to start upping your water intake ALOT. cut out all sugars and salts. get a nice airbursh tan. eat things that wont bloat you so you don't retain water and eat small meals and snack throughout the day to keep the metabolism burning. also, in most prom dresses all you will see is chest, back and arms so start working on those NOW. and i hpe that you use this time as a jump off to healthy diet and exercise. make it a life time thing not just for prom time.
    :) hope this helps and trust me, learning what your body needs and treating it right is so important, esp as a teenager.
  • challenger9509
    challenger9509 Posts: 286 Member
    Portion control and hard work..the other comments are right. If that is you in the picture, no worries you look great. Put a big smile on your face and confidence and no one will see any less than beautiful :)
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    It took time to put it on so you should expect it takes time to take it off.

    Slimming is different than losing fat IMO. You can lose water weight using a low sodium diet which can reduce size from bloating (I have been through this myself so I speak from experience) and also in two weeks you could lose an inch in most places if you worked really hard and I mean HARD!

    I had to do zumba for 45 minutes everyday with other cardio and weights that was an extra 45 minutes on top of that to lose just over an inch at my waist and hips. I ate properly every day and that's all I got and I worked for it. The scale may have only dropped 1lb but I felt that even that little changed overall looked better.
  • Bekahmardis
    Bekahmardis Posts: 602 Member
    I'm 5'3" and weigh 113. I'd like to get down to 110 so I think we're on the same pattern of thinking here? The problem with a cleansing diet is that all you're losing is weight, not size and that won't really help you look slim in time for prom, sorry? What it sounds like you want to do is lose a bit of size and shape up, right? I would start with weight training and tone what you have. Hulu Hoop exercises are awesome for working the core, burning calories, and can really make a big impact in just a couple of weeks - start with that? Maybe?

    Also, you should get really really consistent in logging *everything* into your diary every day. It will really help you see how you're coming along with your progress and whatnot as well. Good luck!
  • rhogr000
    rhogr000 Posts: 126
    As a young female getting ready for the prom let's be a little bit more sympathetic here. We've all been there - have a big event to get ready for, don't feel 100% comfortable with our weight, etc. Hell, i will admit I have been there and to an extent we all do some different measures to get ready for a bikini vacation or even prom/wedding so give her a little bit of a break before we all come down on her for asking.

    By her own admission, she's already down to 125 lbs; that's super-thin. 110 lbs would be skeletal. Not to mention, she's actively seeking advice on how to lose 15 lbs in two weeks, this is neither safe nor effective. And with her admitted history of eating disorders, it's clear that she doesn't have a healthy relationship with food.
  • Bekahmardis
    Bekahmardis Posts: 602 Member
    By her own admission, she's already down to 125 lbs; that's super-thin. 110 lbs would be skeletal. Not to mention, she's actively seeking advice on how to lose 15 lbs in two weeks, this is neither safe nor effective. And with her admitted history of eating disorders, it's clear that she doesn't have a healthy relationship with food.
    I completely and utterly and emphatically disagree with your first statement. My BMI says that I should be somewhere between 104 and 115 pounds. I'm there right now, but want to be in the middle range at 110. It is entirely dependent on the specific person involved! Do not judge someone just from their weight - you HAVE to look at the whole picture!
  • HannahJDiaz25
    HannahJDiaz25 Posts: 329 Member
    Ok, so not 15 pounds. I just want to slim down a bit. I want to loose 5-10 pounds, but 15 would be the best.

    You know what would be the best?

    The best would be for you to start learning the very basics about fitness and nutrition.
    The best would be for you to eat mostly whole foods, get adequate nourishment, and stay active in your lifestyle. Do some exercise.
    The best would be for you to disregard any idea of "I need to lose X lbs because prom.
    The best would be for you to set yourself up for good habits moving forward.
    The best would be for you to accept your body and if you want to change it, do it slowly and intelligently.

    You really need to scrap the idea of a cleanse.

  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    By her own admission, she's already down to 125 lbs; that's super-thin. 110 lbs would be skeletal. Not to mention, she's actively seeking advice on how to lose 15 lbs in two weeks, this is neither safe nor effective. And with her admitted history of eating disorders, it's clear that she doesn't have a healthy relationship with food.
    I completely and utterly and emphatically disagree with your first statement. My BMI says that I should be somewhere between 104 and 115 pounds. I'm there right now, but want to be in the middle range at 110. It is entirely dependent on the specific person involved! Do not judge someone just from their weight - you HAVE to look at the whole picture!

    as do i.

    dude, don't project your opinions onto someone else as fact.