
lahlie Posts: 149 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
.......My name is Lori Anne. And I am an emotional eater who has no willpower. I have been a part of this site for quite a while (not sure the exact date). I suck at self control. I start my day off logging food, drinking my water, etc. Then I get to school (I teach 7th grade English). And I begin stressing. There is a lot to it, and not worth going into it here. Let's just say that there is a lot of unessesary stress with working at the school that I do, and guess what....I stress...I eat. Most days, I get up in time to get my 3 kids up, my 11 year old is soooooo slow in the morning, so usually have to constantly prod her to get her to be ready on time. Then I have 3 year old twins. So, I have to get them ready to drop off at school. Some days they will help themselves and dress themselves, other days, they are completely helpless. By the time I am dressed, the kids are dressed, it is time to go and I have done nothing for myself. I do take my breakfast and snacks for the day with me, and I come home and eat at lunch. I have the BEST intentions in the world every day. I just sabotage myself by letting me emotions obstruct my goals. For a while I was obsessed on logging everything here. Now. I dont know. I know it works. It just seems like I never have the time. I have a vacation in July that I had very realistic goals of meeting so that I would be ready for my trip. I do not think I am gonna make it. In fact, the scale is going UP.....I need an intervention....FAST! I am at the lowest of low emotionally because of this. I am asking for some help. Some accountability.....and LOTS OF IT!


  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    I am curious what kind of food are you eating when you are all stressed out? I think most of us have pretty similar situations. I have a 22 year old getting married a 20 who wants to be a rock star a 16 who is driving me nuts and a busy 5 year old. My husband is always gone with the National Guard . Blah blah blah you get the picture. :noway: Although I cannot imagine being a teacher especially of that age we all have crazy hectic lifes so.... that's your excuse you give yourself. Trust me I get that. But...it seems a little bit "poor me". I bet if you try to do that gratitude journaling thing you can push past that a little. I like to take deep breaths and tell myself " This too shall pass" when it comes to kid stuff. Your goals seem a little high so you might be setting yourself up for failure too. You can do this hun, you have the will.

    Well I just read your profile and you do seem pretty grateful for your life and it sounds nice. Maybe the job is just dragging you down. Are you stuck there? Being over weight has been the most depressing thing in my adult life and it is an emotional thing. But I know people who are dealing with serious health issues and I am healthy so thats good. You are really beautiful and this is a good place to find support.
  • jolene1
    jolene1 Posts: 28
    Oh wow...you're life sounds a lot like mine....busy for everyone else and not taking enough time for you. I think first you need to start with that. You are entitled to take some me time each and every day. You're kids will learn this new behavior with you. I've just started working out at home and at first the kids were interrupting me every chance they got. But they have soon realized that when I'm done I will tend to them...but not while I'm working out...and a couple of mine have actually started working out with me. I have 4 kids myself. 11,9,7 and 3....so I know what you're feeling. And I can relate to the stress of you being a teacher. A couple years ago I had done daycare for 6 years and it was so stressful taking care of everyone else. So many people rely on you. But there I also found that I needed time to recharge my own battery and took off time once every month. Now that I'm working out of the home full time I have slipped with taking enough me time. So just yesterday I said once a month I will take a day off from work and do what I want...which might just be nothing but it will be nothing on my terms. So start there by taking time for you...the world will not fall apart while you do so.....and when you get back on the horse you'll be a stronger you. Being on MFP is your first step and we're all here to help...take care Jolene
  • Coppersky55
    Coppersky55 Posts: 19
    If you are eating on emotional cues and stress that is something i can relate to because my job is a pressure cooker. I have been trying to avoid eating in those moments and have gotten in the habit of drinking my water bottle that has water and lemon when i feel stressed. Then I take three deep breaths and many times that has helped me avoid going into the mode of relay eating (one thing after another ) to fiill the hole of stress. I'm trying to be less hard on myself and focusing on little goals of eating great one day. Then it seems that you get a string of good days and you don't want to eat the junk. I also have learned I cannot have candy in the house or I will eat it, so whatever your comfort foods are, take them out of your proximity. It's difficult when you have a very busy life as it sounds like you do, but it is time for you to pay attention to YOU. You have to stay healthy with those little twins around. I also have started doing 10 minutes of exercise int he morning, whether it is pushups, walking, jumping jacks, whatever. Then i try to fit little mini workouts inthe days because i don't always have an hour to get to a gym or exercise. But if I had 4 ten minute breaks inthe day, that's 40 minutes of calorie buring. I don't alwys have time to log all of my stuff, but after teh thing sI have logged I've gotten to know the feeling of 300 calories and when it doubt et spinach and vegetables. You can do it, just focus on this day and see where that takes you.
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