Very sore in a very weird place. Is this normal?

My fiancé and i started weight training the other day and I LOVE IT!!
Anyway, long story short… we were working on biceps on Monday. Yesterday and today when I extend my arms, right where you bend your arm, is very sore. Not so much my biceps, even though they were sore yesterday, but right where the lower and upper arm meet. What did I do wrong or did I do anything wrong. And is it normal to be sore in that area?


  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    I have been sore in that exact place for a while now, I think I pulled whatever muscle is on the underside of my right forearm. Is that what you mean? Right below where your elbow bends on the underside?
  • Armyantzzz
    Armyantzzz Posts: 214 Member
    Exercising with weights and stretching "unused" muscles can cause "next day pains" ... always warmup and/or stretch prior to weight lifting to assist in ruling out "injury". Some next day pains are "normal" as you are beginning to "tear" muscles (which make muscles and little sore and is part of the process of muscles growing back stronger!! Any real concerns should be directed to your physician. Good luck out there!:smile:
  • mawhite717
    mawhite717 Posts: 202 Member
    i understand that its normal to be sore after weight training, but i figured it would be more so my actual biceps.

    @tuffytuffy1... its not my forearm thats sore. i dont really know what you would call it... i guess my elbow pit?? lol. like, the part of the arm where you get blood drawn when you get blood work done. hahah. yeah, those are weird ways to explain it, huh?
  • Rosamia41
    Rosamia41 Posts: 17 Member
    Am sore there too, I just think its normal
  • Ducey99
    Ducey99 Posts: 26 Member
    I've had this exactly numerous times after intense biceps work, especially after preacher curls I find. It'll go away eventually, just like regular DOMS. My best guess is that it's the biceps tendon that is sore. Keep in mind that when you weight train, your tendons and ligaments get trained as well as your muscles.
    If it doesn't improve, or becomes more like pain than soreness, perhaps get it looked at. I wouldn't be worried.
  • yourenotmine
    yourenotmine Posts: 645 Member
    Are you talking about the muscle or the joint being sore? There's a lot going on in that general region, anatomically speaking, so it's probably a muscle fatigue thing, but if your actual joint is sore, that might not be good. Then again, it might be ok. Hard to say. Don't do the same lifts for a few days and see if it's better. If it persists, or progresses to actively hurting from being sore, see a dr.
  • TriShamelessly
    TriShamelessly Posts: 905 Member
    Non-medically trained personal opinion (from prior experience with similar aches): Likely mild tendinitis. The weights stress not only the muscle but the connective tissues as well. Usually only requires a few days rest to go away. Ease into the weight training for a couple of weeks to allow everything to acclimate to the new stresses. If it continues, see your doc.
  • Val_from_OH
    Val_from_OH Posts: 447 Member
    That is the very end of your bicep, where it actually attaches (inserts) into bone. It makes sense that you would be sore there.
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    I had what I likened to a carpel tunnel like pain in my wrists when I started ligting heavy weights. Until my muscles caught up and could properly support by joints, I had pain. Rest, ibuprofen if needed, a little ice, and some compression helps a LOT!
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    That is the very end of your bicep, where it actually attaches (inserts) into bone. It makes sense that you would be sore there.

    ^^ This. When you work muscles, you in turn work the tendons that connect to the bones as well. You can be sore in parts of the muscle, the whole thing, or non at all. You just got lucky to be sore in a weird part of it. :)
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    My fiancé and i started weight training the other day and I LOVE IT!!
    Anyway, long story short… we were working on biceps on Monday. Yesterday and today when I extend my arms, right where you bend your arm, is very sore. Not so much my biceps, even though they were sore yesterday, but right where the lower and upper arm meet. What did I do wrong or did I do anything wrong. And is it normal to be sore in that area?

    If you are talking about your elbow then it could very well be "Lateral epicondylitis or lateral epicondylalgia, known colloquially as tennis elbow, shooter's elbow, and archer's elbow or simply lateral elbow pain, is a condition where the outer part of the elbow becomes sore and tender."

    Inflammation of the elbow occurs with me also when I do bicep and tricep lifts and it happens mostly when I do not stretch out my elbow during the work out or lift to heavy and lose my form. If this is the case than put an ice cold bag over the outer part of your elbow for 30-40 min and if you are able to do so take an advil or 2. Be easy with your elbow and let it heal or the inflammation will get worse. I have had it so bad once because I kept using my elbow that I could not bend my arm straight, and that took over a month to completely heal. It sucked so take care of it now before it gets worse IF this is the case.
  • 4_Lisa
    4_Lisa Posts: 362 Member
    Almost sounds like you hyperextended something. I don't haven't had that soreness in a long time. When I did it was because of poor form.
  • smiller212003
    smiller212003 Posts: 39 Member
    I would say if its just sore its probably normal. I have had soreness there before from strenuous bicep days. Sometimes you dont realize all the parts of your body that are going to work until they hurt! Im sure it will go away in a couple of days!

    I also like your description for "elbow pits"! :D
  • pennydreadful270
    pennydreadful270 Posts: 266 Member
    Be really careful with this one, it sounds like the tendon is sore and that is not strictly "normal" muscle soreness of a good burn. It means it has been overworked.

    You don't need to worry if it's just a bit tender, but maybe take some Ibuprofen and rest it till healed.

  • yksdoris
    yksdoris Posts: 327 Member
    That is the very end of your bicep, where it actually attaches (inserts) into bone. It makes sense that you would be sore there.

    been sore there, to a bigger or lesser extent. Weirdly, warm-up beforehand does not seem to help but stretching the entire arm does. Just lean your entire inner arm against the wall and lean gently but steadily against the arm while turning your torso away from the wall (to the count of 10 or more). Shift your weight/angle to find the spot that's in need of stretching.

    Weirdest soreness ever from workout? from the neck down to the buttocks, my ENTIRE back. All of it, every single muscle, including the sides. Lasted for about a week, too. It was my own fault, lol, I asked for suggestions for a back workout and then I did all of it...
  • mawhite717
    mawhite717 Posts: 202 Member
    thanks everyone for explaining it to me. glad to hear that im not the only one whos been sore in that area. kinda freaked me out for a minute. lol.