Calorie Question

I started using MFP 2 days ago now and I have a question. Is there a certain amount of calories I should be consuming for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks? Or does it really not matter as long as I stay within my designated amount of calories for the day? Any help is appreciated =)


  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    Play around with it and find what works for you. Some people evenly spread out their calories. Some people eat half od them at lunch, or a huge breakfast, or whatever. See what has you feeling your best. There's not set X calories for breakfast X for lunch, X for dinner, etc. "rules".
  • obrientp
    obrientp Posts: 546 Member
    It doesn't matter one bit. Whatever fits your lifestyle best.
  • chadraeder3
    chadraeder3 Posts: 279 Member
    I don't think there is any real answer, I asked myself the same question, looked on the internet and couldn't find any real proof. I try and make my breakfast more about getting full rather then amount of calories, for me that means fiber in mass quantities. Durring the work week I normally eat at my desk which has now been consisting of Oatmeal, apple, milled flax seed, cinnamon, and a cup of green tea it is only 206 cals but a whopping 10 g of fiber.

    Good for you to start this journey some days will be harder then others but you can make it to your goal if you put your mind to it.
  • Scott_2025
    Scott_2025 Posts: 201 Member
    I try to keep my calories for breakfast and lunch to about half my daily allocation. that allows me to eat a nice meal at dinner and not worry too much about going over my calories...... And if i have a light dinner I may have a mini blizzard from DQ or something like that....

    But if you go over, don't get down or mad at yourself... Life happens.... My diary is open. If you look you will see that I often log foods that you don't normally think of eating when trying to lose weight ( like beer, fried chicken, mashed potatoes, DQ, etc).... And several days where I have gone over by more than 1000 calories.... Many posters here have suggested that going over your calories on occasion keeps your metabolism guessing and helps keep it from slowing to try to hold on to the weight.... Not sure I subscribe to that notion, but it is out there.

    My other goal is to be close on a weekly basis.... If I go over by 1500 calories one day, I try to stay under a few calories for the next several days or do some extra cardio to make sure the weekly total is on target...

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you like...

    Take Care and good luck....
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I started using MFP 2 days ago now and I have a question. Is there a certain amount of calories I should be consuming for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks? Or does it really not matter as long as I stay within my designated amount of calories for the day? Any help is appreciated =)

    Doesn't matter... whatever is going to help you stick to your cals the best.