hello from ireland

hi everyone....

this is a new site which i joined last monday and its really great...helps you make wise decisions and track what you eat....helping you put down the packet of cookies in the evening!!!! i hope all you that have lost loads will share some tips with us beginners......went to rejoin my weight watchers class yesterday and am 1lb down so its a slowly but surely approach i am taking!! get it off and keep it off.

good luck to all.


  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    :smile: Hiya

    Nice to see someone slightly more 'local' on here :bigsmile:

    I agree that recording everything you eat is fab and helps you stay on the straight and narrow (although I only use it now for the database). There's a great sense of support and motivation on here also, and it really helps when you're feeling a bit demotivated!
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Welcome to MFP! It's an excellent tool to help you reach your goal. Good luck!
  • ilovebiccies
    thanks for the welcome guys. yeah i use it to track my food but i have to say i am secretly tipping over all the time...i know my exercise calories can be used but in time i will be hoping not to use them and have lots stashed for a nice boozy weekend or party!! i am a terrible picker but hoping i will learn to control this...most of my calories goes on bloody sweets :mad:

    am doing gym but all i do is the treadmill...gonna get a prog done up next week to start introducing weights and sit ups which apparently is what shows changes!!!!

    heres hoping!