Green Tea Extract



  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Yes, green tea extract is available as Green Tea Diet Pills. by taking it you may boost up your metabolism and lose your weight in easy way.

    Thanks for dragging that old thread out to throw in an ad!
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    Yes, green tea extract is available as Green Tea Diet Pills. by taking it you may boost up your metabolism and lose your weight in easy way.

    Thanks for dragging that old thread out to throw in an ad!
    Just report it as Spam as I just did.
    Thanks for taking the link out in your quote. Many people complain about the spammer and requote the link. Silly.
  • coleary35
    It's not spam if the link leads to relevant content related to the topic of the subject. It's someone with a business looking for conversations that his product or service can have an impact on. and in this case being careful enough to actually make sure the conversation was relevant. That's good content marketing following all the proper guidelines. The Idiots who just throw links on every message board they can find regardless of relevance are the ones who need to be taken out back and shot.
  • MsWisconsinite
    I've actually been drinking green tea about 3x a day since I've started because I heard through many successful weight loss stories that it helped them lose the weight...and it's 0 calories and they're not that expensive. So why not try it, and see if it works for you?

    And I just realized this was an old post...haha well it's out there (:
  • gloking88
    That's OK! I just read all of the comments, and I'm sure other people do too. But thanks for the advice! I am going to start tomorrow :-)
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    That's OK! I just read all of the comments, and I'm sure other people do too. But thanks for the advice! I am going to start tomorrow :-)
    Waste of money. Just two days ago this was posted:

    A green tea extract company was fined big bucks for making bogus claims about these "magic pills". Drink green tea if you like, it's nice, but don't waste your money on these bogus pills.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    I take two capsules a day and drink tea. I can't say it increases weight loss, but it does affect energy. if I'm having a day where I feel a big flagging, I might take one in the late afternoon. It also has antioxidant properties. I don't take a diet version, just one from one of the well-known vitamin companies. It's very inexpensive. Be careful, though , because some studies say that taking more than 700 mg (more than 2 capsules) can cause liver damage -- the "diet" versions may have at least this much. Drinking the tea itself does not supply that much of it, so that is a safer way to get it.