Im struggling!

Hello all, Im new here! Ive been trying to lose weight (25 lbs is my first big goal) but I seem to be having a hard time with it! I do good for a few days then I fall off the wagon and can't seem to get motivated to get back on! I don't know what to do! I really want to do this and I really want to lose weight. I want to feel better about myself and be healthier over all. Any suggestions or motivation you all can offer me! Feel free to add me as a friend too. Im doing this alone so all the friends I can get along the way would be great! Thanks



  • strickland8052
    strickland8052 Posts: 105 Member
    Hm... maybe first try to figure out why you "fall off the wagon"?

    Do you get too hungry and not have any healthy snacks around?
    Does your schedule get really busy?
    Does something good or bad happen and you use food to either celebrate or try to make yourself feel better?
    Do you go out of town or a friend comes to visit?
    Once you fall off the wagon, do you think "well this day or week is already ruined, so might as well push it off another week/month?"

    Once you identify what is causing you to slip up, create a plan to address it. For example, one of my vices was getting too hungry throughout the day then coming home and standing over the sink, stuffing everything and anything into my face. To stop that, I started making myself eat more healthy snacks throughout the day.

    I also slip up when my schedule gets too busy, so on days I know I'll have to work late, I wake up early for my workout. On the night before, I put my cell phone, aka alarm clock, in my tennis shoe across the room so that I have to get up and think about exercising before hitting snooze.

    My other big problem is that I often have access to a lot of free (and really yummy) meals due to my job. I would always tell myself, "Just enjoy it without feeling guilty.... how often do you get to eat at a nice restaurant for free?" Well turns out, it is a pretty dang good bit with my job, so I decided to stop that mentality and just eat the healthiest option available.

    Planning is everything...Pick a day when you aren't busy (Sunday is mine) and think about everything you have to do that week. Plan meals, snacks, and exercise around what you have going on. Write them down if you have to, and use those plans to fight off excuses!
  • 20thenewme13
    20thenewme13 Posts: 10 Member
    I work everyday 9-7, I don't get a "break" at work. I eat as the day goes. I try to take heathly snacks with me such as fruit, applesauce and those things. Im not much of a snacker, I dont really sit down and eat chips, candy and those sorts of things. Im not one to eat because Im feeling down in the dumps either. My problem is, I think, I just dont eat the "right" kind of food. Im a very picky eater. Im not a salad person by any means! I think I just eat fatty foods to much!

    I think once I do mess up, I just think well I ruined that day why worry about the rest of the week. I guess I dont realize its ok to have a "bad"day.

    I love eating supper with my hubby (usually I big meal with a meat, veggie and so forth) but I dont get home till 715 or so. I hate eating that late. I try not to sit down and stuff myface full though.

    Im not a morning person what so ever...I LOVE sleep! :) So getting up early and working out never works out for me. Plus, I have no one to do it with me, EVER..and I hate excercising alone. And then when I get off at 7, I just want to go home and see my hubby and be outside doing whatever it is hes doing. I hardly see him threw the weeks, so the last thing I want to do after work is spend another hour or so away from him.

    I just dont know :(
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    it's trial and error at first. It takes a bit to figure out what you need and how to adjust to your needs. Being picky just means you have to work a little harder at figuring things out. You also have to train your mind to think differently. Just because you blew breakfast, doesn't give you permission to blow lunch and supper either. It takes time, and lots of determination.