In need of a change

I rejoined MFP in January this year to try and get back to where I used to be a couple of years ago - around 145lb. I've been doing pretty much the same things throughout the last several months I think, and have lost about 15lb (now weigh 153lb at 5ft 7) . To begin with, I was seeing quite regular losses of 1-2lb per week, however in the last few weeks this has slowed down to basically just staying the same weight. I know I'm not brilliant with my eating, there are a few treats in there and most of the days that I have too many calories they come from alcohol rather than food. I ride my bike every day and try to go to the gym 2-3 times a week as well (for running and strength training).

Anyway, I am keen to start losing some more again, so I'm wondering what is the best change to make - diet? exercise regime?

Any ideas would be appreciated, please be nice though!


  • crazy4fids
    crazy4fids Posts: 173
    try drinking more water (8-10 glasses) and cutting your sodium (strive for under 1000mg/day).
  • kbweigl
    kbweigl Posts: 3
    Are you checking your measurements? Sometimes the scale doesn't budge but the waist is smaller!
    I focused on cardio for the first 2 months of my weight loss/health journey and have now added in weight training and the pounds are coming off again. Maybe switch up your routine?
  • michelle7673
    michelle7673 Posts: 370 Member
    Did you re-adjust your targets for your new lower weight? I had thought MFP did that automatically, but it appears not...
  • poptastic
    poptastic Posts: 151 Member
    I do have smaller measurements, so I know it's not that my progress has stalled completely, I just still would like to lose a bit more weight (and also inches). I'm trying to do weight training as well as cardio to build up muscles - mostly focusing on my legs - but I am training for some running events at the moment, so I need to keep up with cardio too.

    I wondered if I should a) mix up my gym routine a bit more or b) focus on cutting out sugar/alcohol from my diet (because I think that's where my diet goes wrong, even when I stay within the right number of calories). Or am I just being impatient? Is it normal to plateau a bit after this time? It's been 4ish months and I'm fairly close to my goal.