
Hi everyone
I am new to MFP. Been journaling for 20 days or so... I love this site...
I am a little confused about adding friends and posting. I posted something the other night and have not gotten a response. I am not sure if i posted it in the correct place... It was about adding friends. Also someone requested me as a friend, and I don't know how they found me? Can you guys fill me in??
If there is a place to get more in-depth answers to questions that would be helpful


  • synthomarsh
    synthomarsh Posts: 189 Member
    as far as adding friends click on someones picture then you can see their profile send them a message or add as a friend,
    I am sure whoever requested you as a friend read your other post and was probably trying to add you. i mean it is possible they randomly searched your name and found you and sent a request but highly unlikely. Welcome to the site plenty of people will be helpful. Just be sure you use the search and look for threads that may already answer your question. I have only been here a few months and I already see the same topics constantly being re-introduced. so if someone else already posted your question it might be better to check those responses before you look for more. Take care
  • dmom6
    dmom6 Posts: 3
    I am a Newbie as well. I have been following the program for about a week. Like lagowell I am also confused about adding friends. I would like to have a fitness pal to talk to about this journey towards a lower weight and better health. I don't feel comfortable about requesting friends from my contacts or my facebook as I feel I may offend them. So where do we get our MFP friends?