Do I need to lift more and do less cardio? please help!

bmr is 1454, tdee is 2497. My weight is 147 lbs, my body fat % is 26.8%. Now what I need to know is after watching my body change but not losing much weight since jan. 2012, (starting weight was 162.8 lbs, body fat% was 32.8% in jan 2012) do i need to lift more and do less cardio. I am pretty satisfied with where I am but mostly just wanting to tone more and bring out more of the definition I am finally starting to see. My weight has been between 145-149 for about 7 months now. I've played with calories in and calories burned but every time I start to come back down to 145 nothing changes and it goes back up, very frustrating to say the least. I would love to see 135 lbs. but thinking that will never happen. If I lift more will I get rid of this last little pudge in my stomach and butt/thighs? I workout 6 days a week with rest on Sunday, my average burn with alternating P90X/Insanity is between 400-800 a day, then I do 100 crunches, 100 squats, & side and back leg lifts. I just need a little guidance here on what to do to possibly get this last little bit gone. Any help is much appreciated. my diary is open. thanks in advance for useful advice.


  • lausmit4477
    lausmit4477 Posts: 30 Member
    If you still have body fat that you would like to see go, you may still need to stay in a slight/reasonable calorie deficit.

    You build strength by weight training. Cardio can aid in creating the calorie defict but it is not necessary for weight loss...neither is weight training.

    When it comes to body composition and the way you look as you lose body fat, weight training will help give you the results that you are after.

    I don't do much cardio, maybe one to two days a week, either jogging or hiking. I find that too much cardio is counter-productive to what I am trying to achieve.

    Basically: Weight Training=Body Composition!!

    I suggest the program Starting Strength or Stronglifts 5x5 , especially for someone starting out.
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    Regardless of the method of exercise you choose, losing fat from anywhere is still going to be the result of calorie deficit. Genetics still determines where we lose weight from first and last.

    Strength training has great benefits for body recomposition. The starting programs already mentioned would be a great place to start. Another I would add is New Rules of Lifting for Women.

    Another benefit other than increased strength is increased bone density. As we age, our bones weaken. The earlier someone can begin a strength training program the better their body will be as it ages.

    Just some thoughts as you decide whether to start a strength training routine.
  • astropat_
    astropat_ Posts: 2
    I agree with what was already mentioned earlier about a calorie deficit and employing a weight lifting program.

    To piggyback on what they already said, overall the key is ensure you are in a deficit. Not sure what you're using to calculate your TDEE and if you're using the same numbers as you were before you lost weight, but you might need to recalculate your calorie intake and macronutrients. I like using the calculator on and it is recommended to recalcute every 5 lb change in weight. Good luck!
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I am no expert but I am guessing the extra exercise you are doing after P90X and Insanity is probably a complete waste of your time. I would go lighter on the cardio and start lifting heavy 3-4 days a week. I would personally still do 1 - 2 days of cardio only because I find it helps me mentally more than anything.
  • sneckerdoodle
    sneckerdoodle Posts: 69 Member
    My bmr & tdee are calculated online at My current weight. I have been eating at a deficit the whole time. Usually stay around 1700-1800 a day. I gave even tried 2000-2200 a day. I guess I'll start weights 4 days a week and cardio 2 days a week. Thanks y'all.