Exercise While Pregnant?

So amidst my weight loss journey (after recently having my first baby in September) I am pregnant again. In January I started running, and I did my first race in February. We went on vacation (ate terribly, didn't exercise at all, gained 8lbs) in March, and I started back occasionally working out when we got back and eating better, but no where near the training schedule I was on before. I lost the 8lbs then found out I was 5 weeks pregnant. That was about 2 weeks ago. Anyways I'm just wondering what exercise regime everyone maintains while pregnant. I'm not attempting to lose any weight, but I want to be as healthy as possible during my pregnancy. I've been walking and doing Zumba once a week (not much but it's better than being a couch potato)


  • WhoButME28
    WhoButME28 Posts: 63 Member
    In my opinion any exercise regiment is better than the one that never takes place.

    A few months ago this woman who is a training beast (not manly just really knows her way around the weight room) at my gym gave birth but she was still lifting light to moderate weight all the way to the very end. Very impressive.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Most doctors advice that you can continue doing any exercise you were doing before you got pregnant. You just have to watch your heart rate and not let it get too high. Of course, the closer you get to your due date, the more you'll have to slow down.

    I would ask your doctor for specific advice.
  • jandthebops
    jandthebops Posts: 28
    I had one appointment with a personal trainer to set up a programme when I fell pregnant with my first child. She told me that you can pretty much keep doing what you were doing already but don't take up anything new. If you were a regular runner before falling pregnant then most people can keep going. Obviously listen to your body though. I wasn't a regular runner so didn't run at all when pregnant and I gave up cycling outside too as I was concerned about being knocked off my bike more than anything.

    I swam a lot and had a programme for the gym of cycling and cross-trainer as well as free weights and squats.

    As I understand it, what you have to watch is not raising your heart rate too high and not raising your core temperature too high as both can potentially be detrimental to your baby. I can't remember what she told me re heart rate though, sorry!
  • Anyanut
    Anyanut Posts: 27 Member
    I played soccer until I was 4.5 months pregnant. After about month 3 I had to move to defence so that I wasn't running as much but you have to listen to your body. With my first I was able to play and run with no discomfort until 6 months, but now (number 3) I had to quit b/c I was starting to feel a bit crampy in my lower abdomen after the games. This seems to happen during certain cardio things like biking and jogging so instead I walk and swim. Light weights are fine and stretching is important. Just remember to modify if something is uncomfortable. Good luck with Baby #2!
  • jehavin
    jehavin Posts: 316 Member
    I am currently 37 weeks pregnant and just finished biking 120 miles in the month of April, in addition to another 6 miler this morning. I plan to do 2 more rides before my scheduled C-section (this is my fifth baby,) next Thursday. Exercise in this pregnancy (3 days of cardio a week, 2 lifting and 2 yoga sessions up until third trimester where I cut it down to 3 cardio, 1 strength and 1 yoga,) has saved my sanity, helped me only gain 20 lbs (including the 8lb baby I'm carrying,) and retain the muscle I built while losing weight from the last baby. I also logged my whole pregnancy, starting with maintenance cals in the first trimester---1850, bumping it up to 2000 in the second and now I am between 2200-2400.

    My advice: try an easy cardio such as treadmill walking or the recumbent bike/stationary cycle and get your heartrate up to 140 a couple times a week. Pare down your lifting routine, (mine is rows, lat pulldowns and chest presses,) and search prenatal yoga on youtube. Barring any complications, you CAN exercise your whole pregnancy and it will make your journey so much more satisfying as well as helping postpartum. (I am hoping to have only ten pounds left to lose and jump back on the bike within 4 weeks.)