I Need Some Help!!

ellipse22 Posts: 137
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm a little frustrated with how things have been going the last month. I have not lost any weight or inches. Things have changed with my work schedule which I think is the main factor!

Here is a breakdown:

3:45am - Up for work
5:00am - Work - grab a coffee on the way in
7am-9am - Try to eat - something from home or here at work which includes another coffee or tea
1-2pm - Lunch - something from home
4-5pm - Dinner
9:30pm - Bedtime

I am up on average 18 hours a day. I sometimes try to take a nap but lately there is too much to be done. I also haven't been able to get to the gym because of the stress at home and I have a hard time going to the gym after dinner because now I am completely exhausted for being up 14+ hours.

My eating habits haven't been great either. I am not going over on my carbs but I am not reducing nearly as much as I had wanted to. The issue with work is that I can't eat at my desk because it's on the work floor and I have employees to deal with between 9:30 - 11:00am. If I'm lucky I can eat around 8am - depending on how busy we are.

I tend to eat more later in the day because that is when I have time to actually eat instead of grabbing something on the go. It's killing me!!

I thought by posting this someone can see what's going on and provide some suggestions...I can't seem to figure it out on my own...or maybe I will now that I've written it down...HELP!!


  • mictur
    mictur Posts: 175 Member
    I have found that you have to eat the correct types of food together in order to maximize the fat burning mode. Protein, fast carbs,and slow carbs for each meal. If you can't eat a meal add a snack 100-200 calories. Eat every 2-3 hrs. to keep the metabolism going.:flowerforyou:
  • chandnikhondji
    chandnikhondji Posts: 136 Member
    I can say that for myself the 'when' does not matter at all. I have a very irregular day, sometimes stand up morning, sometimes afternoon or night.. i eat only when i am hungry not when it's time, so that differs a lot.

    Did you check your Sodium, Fat, Sugar intake? i see you work a lot, stress can be a factor too, TOM as well. Do you eat enough calories? How close are you to your daily calorie goal?
  • jsjaclark
    jsjaclark Posts: 303
    How much water are you drinking? I noticed you mentioned having 1-2 cups of coffee or some tea, but no mention of water. Maybe plan some quick snacks (fruit) that you can eat quickly even if you are on the work floor.
  • i find eating later at night effects my weight... i no longer eat any food after 7pm, as i know it wont be broken down enough by the time i go to bed... try mixing your diet up a bit... eating different things at different times.. this way your metabolism has to work harder, it wont get stuck in a pattern and will have to work harder at the spur of the moment you eat... this should help boost it!
    this had worked for me! good luck, and dont give up :) x x
  • jamie11k
    jamie11k Posts: 82
    You need snacks in your day- Think cottage cheese, apple & PB, oranges, banana, yogurt. And always have water handy!
  • gabi_ele
    gabi_ele Posts: 460 Member
    I don't think it matters too much when you eat as long as you eat healthy. Could you eat something on the way to work? Carbs aren't too bad as long as they are complex carbs, maybe a whole wheat muffin with peanutbutter and apple, or eggwhites and veggies or some kind of protein shake? Then have a snack around 9 or so... ( you clould have to go to the bathroom and stop to get a water on the way:wink: ) I'm not sure what your situation is at home, but maybe you could work in a DVD or mabe a game on the Wii?
    I'm positive you'll find a way to make it work for you ...To success:drinker:
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I haven't looked at your food diary, but here is a good article that explains no matter how well you are eating, if you are not getting enough sleep, it can make you gain weight.

  • Dom_m
    Dom_m Posts: 336 Member
    Hey Elipse,

    Is it possible to eat liquid meals while your working? You can buy things like "Up & Go" which is a breakfast cereal and milk in a poppa (don't know what you call these in the US - cardboard box with a whole in the top for a straw, kids have their drinks in them at school). You can get protein shakes in that sort of thing as well. You can also get bars that you might be able to snack on without distracting from work.

    Not sure what kind of work your doing, but do you need to change your daily activity level? If you've gone from a sitting routine to a walking around one, you may not be getting enough calories without realizing it. If that's not the issue, then I'm really not sure how you can fit in time for working out. Its seems tough.

    How long have you been doing the low carb thing? Maybe go for a week on higher carbs, and then if you want come back to the low carbs? The change may help for no reason other than its different.

    Good luck!
  • ellipse22
    ellipse22 Posts: 137
    Thanks everyone for replying. I've been very busy and haven't had much time to respond.

    I do drink water but usually forget to put it in when I am doing my diary. I don't drink as much as I should though. Today has been better!

    I really thought about my work schedule and realized that I am up 18 hours a day which means I really shouldn't eat after 6pm...if not earlier which has been difficult for me!

    I also know that I don't get enough sleep period! I need to find a happy medium to get the rest, exercise and down time that I need and I'm still working on it.

    Fruits & veggies are a must and I need to ensure that I am including them in my diet. I sometimes think I am not eating enough..more food for thought (no pun intended)

    Thank you again! I will take a look at the link posted and I've thought about changing my weigh in days to hold me more accountable on the weekends!!
  • ellipse22
    ellipse22 Posts: 137
    I can say that for myself the 'when' does not matter at all. I have a very irregular day, sometimes stand up morning, sometimes afternoon or night.. i eat only when i am hungry not when it's time, so that differs a lot.

    Did you check your Sodium, Fat, Sugar intake? i see you work a lot, stress can be a factor too, TOM as well. Do you eat enough calories? How close are you to your daily calorie goal?

    I don't think I am eating enough. I am normally right at my calorie intake or just slightly under. I walk alot so I may not be eating enough.
  • ellipse22
    ellipse22 Posts: 137
    Hey Elipse,

    Is it possible to eat liquid meals while your working? You can buy things like "Up & Go" which is a breakfast cereal and milk in a poppa (don't know what you call these in the US - cardboard box with a whole in the top for a straw, kids have their drinks in them at school). You can get protein shakes in that sort of thing as well. You can also get bars that you might be able to snack on without distracting from work.

    Not sure what kind of work your doing, but do you need to change your daily activity level? If you've gone from a sitting routine to a walking around one, you may not be getting enough calories without realizing it. If that's not the issue, then I'm really not sure how you can fit in time for working out. Its seems tough.

    How long have you been doing the low carb thing? Maybe go for a week on higher carbs, and then if you want come back to the low carbs? The change may help for no reason other than its different.

    Good luck!

    I am a supervisor with Canada Post and I spend alot of time on my feet, walking etc. I will look at my calorie settings to make sure they are correct.

    I don't always try to reduce my carbs - sometimes it's just not possible - but I do try 2-3x a week...if that. I was diligent for some time but I've been to busy to even look at it. I'm hoping I see a change this week....check my status on Thursday ;-)
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