15LB by June 23rd

Day # 4 - 5/1/13
Good afternoon all! Glad to have so many supporters.

I want to get your opinion on something, should I start a new thread each day or continue on this one? Let me know what you think will work better for you all.

My WI was today & am down 1.5lbs. :) Took me a few months to get back into my routine of eating healthy but think I am there.

I had an amazing dinner last night! Chicken with zucchini & squash. I made pasta for my kids & Hubby so that they wouldn't feel cheated and spooned the Chicken with zucchini & squash over their pasta but just had the veggies & chicken myself. It’s a great recipe from Denise Austin's diet plan. I just used Zucchini & squash & cooked the chicken is olive oil with salt & pepper before the veggie and mixed them together. Super healthy, get you in your healthy fat that we all struggle with and plenty of healthy veggies. Try it & let me know what you think! Hope you are all having a successful day!

Sautéed Zucchini with Garlic & Parsley – 4 servings

Calories carbs fat protein sodium sugar
Squash - Zucchini, includes skin, raw, 4 cup, chopped 79 17 1 6 50 9
Sun Harvest - Extra Virgin Olive Oil, 1 Tbsp (15ml) 120 0 14 0 0 0
Fresh Garlic - Garlic Clove, 3 Medium Clove (4g) 12 3 0 0 0 0
Spices - Parsley, dried, 1 tbsp 4 1 0 0 6 0
Spices - Thyme, dried, 0.25 tsp, leaves 1 0 0 0 0 0
Salt - Table , 0.25 teaspoon 0 0 0 0 97 0
McCormick Crushed Red Pepper Flakes - 0 0 0 0 0 0
Crushed Red Pepper Flakes, 1/8 tsp (.8g)
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Total: 216 21 15 6 153 9
Per Serving: 54 5 4 2 38 2