Didnt exercise, ate as if I did!

I feel kind of bad because I have my caloric intake limit at 1900 calories since i am exercising 5 days a week. Well, I didnt exercise yesterday but I ate as if I had (1647 calories). Should I double up on my workout today? Or just move on as if I hadn't missed a day. Unfortunately I wont be able to make it up on Saturday because I will be out of town. What would you do?


  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I feel kind of bad because I have my caloric intake limit at 1900 calories since i am exercising 5 days a week. Well, I didnt exercise yesterday but I ate as if I had (1647 calories). Should I double up on my workout today? Or just move on as if I hadn't missed a day. Unfortunately I wont be able to make it up on Saturday because I will be out of town. What would you do?

    I'd pretend it didn't happen and go about my business.
  • akindc
    akindc Posts: 84 Member
    Why would you double up? Your settings on MFP already include a deficit, so if it says to eat 1900 and you eat 1645, you still have a deficit.

    Use TDEE to calculate what you should be eating. I eat 1600 everyday, regardless if I workout because exercise is already included for 3 hours a week.
  • andreabrabham
    andreabrabham Posts: 116 Member
    Why would you double up? Your settings on MFP already include a deficit, so if it says to eat 1900 and you eat 1645, you still have a deficit.

    Use TDEE to calculate what you should be eating. I eat 1600 everyday, regardless if I workout because exercise is already included for 3 hours a week.

    I manually changed my calorie amount on MFP which includes my exercises. I dont even add it on the site because I combined it.
  • bgelliott
    bgelliott Posts: 610 Member
    Just get back to your normal workout, no need to double up.
  • lcvaughn520
    lcvaughn520 Posts: 219 Member
    I would just skip one workout. Not the end of the world!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Why would you double up? Your settings on MFP already include a deficit, so if it says to eat 1900 and you eat 1645, you still have a deficit.

    Use TDEE to calculate what you should be eating. I eat 1600 everyday, regardless if I workout because exercise is already included for 3 hours a week.

    I manually changed my calorie amount on MFP which includes my exercises. I dont even add it on the site because I combined it.

    Sounds like you're doing TDEE - X%...and also sounds like maybe you don't understand it. If you're working out 5 days per week, I can almost guarantee you that your TDEE (maintenance) isn't 1900 calories, it's probably more in the neighborhood of 2200-2300 and 1900 looks to be roughly a 20% cut from that...which would be a deficit right there, even if you ate right up to that point. Of course, I'm only speculating but I know of pretty much nobody who has a TDEE of 1900 who works out 5x weekly. My wife is all of 5'1" and loses about 1 Lb per week eating 1900-2000 calories and her maintenance is around 2300-2400.

    I only bring it up because if you ate the full 1900 calories you would still be at a deficit...eating 1600 calories or whatever is not eating like you're fueling a workout...you have even a bigger deficit. On that note, when using the TDEE method, it is irrelevant if you miss a workout...you just keep going. When your routine no longer becomes consistent though, you need to re-evaluate your caloric intake...but one day missing a workout is an isolated event in the grand scheme of things.