boring veggies



  • smadacarlyle
    smadacarlyle Posts: 26 Member
    Root veggies! I love to roast parsnips, carrots and shallots (mix with a little olive oil, salt & pepper)! I could eat an entire batch without blinking an eye.
    Beets - I hated beets growing up (canned beets? YUK), but on a whim I bought golden beets, roasted them with parsnips (see a trend?) and it was amazing. CPK has a roasted beet salad that is amazing and easy to make at home - roast purple and golden beets, mix with arugula or any salad choice, top with any cheese choice, a few pine nuts or sunflower seeds and drizzle with olive oil.
    I'd suggest going to a farmers market and asking the vendors for ideas! Also look at vegetarian/vegan cook books too!
  • RandomMiranda
    RandomMiranda Posts: 298
    I eat the steam-in-bag frozen veggies a lot. There are lots of varieties and I keep the freezer stocked so I don't have to worry about things going bad, and I always have something quick on hand. If I add anything to them it is some garlic powder, cajun seasoning, a little parmeson, or just good cracked pepper. My husband doesn't eat veggies, so since I'm just making them for myself I keep it very simple. I did get some fresh asparagus for tonight and I'll steam that and add a hint of lemon juice.
  • smadacarlyle
    smadacarlyle Posts: 26 Member
    Sriracha sauce makes everything better :) nutrional yeast is also good on veggies!

    ain't that the truth!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I love steamed veggies too, i add some Mrs. Dash because it has no sodium. also throw them in tinfoil, add some EVOO, garlic and what ever spice you want and put them in the oven for "roasted" veggies. So good.
  • kethry70
    kethry70 Posts: 404 Member
    sautee sugar snap peas in coconut oil with garlic or ginger and a dash of salt

    Roast cauliflower at 425 for 25 with EVO, marjoram, and parmesan cheese. Add balsamic vinegar in the last 5 minutes

    Really oven roast any veggie in a similar fashion - EVO, spices, with or w/o balsamic vinegar or parmesan

    Carrot fries - I make them with fresh rosemary - YUM!
  • Frank_Just_Frank
    Frank_Just_Frank Posts: 454 Member
    Try broiling peppers, eggplant and zucchini on the bbq.
  • iysys
    iysys Posts: 524
    we eat mashed cauliflower very often and a lot of roast veggies. almost any veggie is amazing when roasted. my husband even likes veggies he normally wont eat like green beans when they are roasted.
  • Danam48
    Danam48 Posts: 129 Member
    Fresh string beans.. the skinniest ones you can find.. put a tablespoon or two of olive oil into a frying pan and sautee the beans for 7-8 minutes. Sprinkle with a little lemon juice while cooking and for the last two minutes add some minced garlic to taste. Sprinkle with a little sea salt and pepper when finished. I pick them up and eat them like fries! YUM!
  • CherryOnionKiss
    CherryOnionKiss Posts: 376 Member
    I hide my veggies in home made spaghetti sauce
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    carrots w/ Spicy Guacamole as dip.
  • iggyboo93
    iggyboo93 Posts: 524 Member
    Swiss chard, fresh beets, zucchini, sugar snap peas to name a few.

    We just discovered the miniature sweet peppers (yellow, red and orange) - they come in a bag. They are like vegetable candy.
  • DeliriumCanBeFun
    DeliriumCanBeFun Posts: 313 Member
    Roated asparagus with lemon pepper and a little parmesean is so good. And my current fave mix is zuchini, yellow squash, red bell pepper and purple onion sauteed in just a bit of EVOO and a little Slap Ya Mama. Fresh green beans pan raosted with a touch of sesame oil and a couple of shakes of low soium soy sauce. I could go on and on.... Veggies are so not boring. Love them!
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    Roast everything. Carrots, brussel sprouts, peppers, tomato wedges, broccoli w/garlic, Potatos with sliced apples. Spagetti squash.
    Grilling everything is also good too - corn on the cob, squash, eggplant.

    You can spray everything with olive oil and sprinkle w/Mrs Dash -- or just throw some fresh sliced garlic on everything (roasted garlic, yum)

    Also, add bacon to stuff. Like green beans: So take a 1/2 pound of fresh green beans, snip off the ends and boil them for 4-5 minutes, then drain.Throw them in a pan with 1tbspn of olive oil and sautee, then crumble your 2 pieces of cooked bacon over it. Sprinkle with fresh black pepper and done. [2 slices of bacon is on average 90 calories]

    I find veggies are only boring if I boil them.
  • jacque930
    jacque930 Posts: 122 Member
    One word "Penzeys"

    They are a spice company - They have quite a few blends that are good on veggies as well as meats, fish, poultry, soups, etc...

    Go to and request a catalog. OR do a store locator.. Not everywhere has as store but you can look.

    Cooking with various seasonings makes any "bland, boring" food, great!

    Sometimes I like just pepper on my veggies, but if your not a big fan at the moment, I would try this. Someone mentioned Mrs. Dash.. that is also an all around good seasoning to use.

    Remember a small amount of spices goes a long way. Add a pinch and you can always add more but you can't take away.
  • DeliriumCanBeFun
    DeliriumCanBeFun Posts: 313 Member
    my husband and i have recently started eating better and exercising. in fact, we're really getting into it. i do a majority of the cooking and i'm coming up short on what to do for side dishes. other than frozen peas, corn or broccoli (which corn and peas aren't really that awesome of veggies to begin with) i'm really out of ideas on what is tasty yet easy considering we have very busy lives.

    what keeps everyone going and salivating?

    I'm currently eating some grilled chicken and steamed broccoli for lunch. I don't necessarily "salivate" over the broccoli but I eat it because I know it's good for me and I want to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

    You could consider adding a baked potato or some brown rice with the veggies to spice things up a bit, but, ultimately, if you want to be healthy you're just going to have to learn to deal with veggies at lunch/dinner.

    You should never have to "just deal with veggies". It takes planning and getting creative, but I'm sure everyone can find things they enjoy. Your diet needs to be part of your lifestyle, not drugery. Once you get rid of all the processed crap and start eating more fresh veggies, healthy eating gets to be normal for you. My family eats more broccoli than most because we just love it so much. But steamed mush, that is boring and I will pass. Lightly pan or oven roasted broccoli with a little sea salt is awesome. A lot of veggies can be done this way.
  • carrietehbear
    carrietehbear Posts: 384 Member
    Roasted veggies are my new favorite thing! mmm so good!
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    In for roasted veggies. All of them. The roasting caramelizes the natural sugars & makes the veggies sweeter. Broccoli especially, I like it roasted until the tree is browned. NOM.
  • strickland8052
    strickland8052 Posts: 105 Member
    I LOVE veggies. I just ate some rutabagas and black eyed peas for lunch. mmmm....mmmmm....

    Some of our favorites for dinner are:
    Baked sweet potatoes - grease up in olive oil and pumpkin pie spice and bake in foil
    Smashed cauliflower - steam for a long time in chicken broth, drain, and smash with laughing cow and spices
    Grilled asparagus - tossed in olive oil and sea salt then grill or bake
    Oven fried okra - tossed in olive oil, salt, and sometimes Cajun seasoning then baked in oven about 30 mins at 400
    Honey broccoli and carrots - sauté them in garlic, sesame oil, and red pepper flakes, then steam them, then add 1 tbsp honey
    Baked or grilled cabbage - Cut the cabbage into sections, then drizzle with oil, lemon juice, spices, bacon bits, parmesan, etc.
    Spaghetti Squash - put in crockpot with water, cook on low for 6 hours, cut open, pull out "guts", eat "noodles" with spaghetti sauce
    Sautéed spinach - sauté with mushrooms, red bell pepper, dried cranberries...whatever you like
    Summer squash - either sautéed then steamed in chicken broth OR baked in oven with olive oil and preferred spices

    Just find a spice you really like and use it to roast any veggies in the oven. We really like lemon pepper, but some might prefer garlic or paprika.

    There are also those dishes that incorporate veggies in with the meat, like fajitas or a good balsamic strawberry spinach salad. Oh! And sweet potatoes and carrots are delicious in chili or stews. Once I made a Moroccan stew with them and curry type spices and it was delicious! Good luck!
  • Julettashane
    Julettashane Posts: 723 Member
    here for ideas
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    Options and

    i could eat spinach with garlic and olive oil all the time. ****'s delish!