New from Las Vegas

rthoward Posts: 2
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself

I've used this site for a couple months now, but it wasn't until this week that I have started to take it seriously :tongue:

I have one question, does anyone else use this application on their iphone? Do you know how it gives a nutrition summary underneath your daily summary, is there an option to have the homepage look like that on the website version? Because i found where you can track your progress for certain information, but I like how the iphone version summarizes it all in one glance for the day


  • hawkeye01
    hawkeye01 Posts: 162
    I also use and really like the iphone ap as well. I don't believe that same view is available on the site. The one thing that I did was add the additional areas (carbs, protein, etc..) so I can view them as well. Not the same clean look, but the details are there.

    Good luck. Hawkeye
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