i need advice on resetting my metabolism

Ok so here is my history... I'm 25 and in october I started at 145 pounds..I'm female and 5'8"-5'9"

In late october I started to eat 1200 calories a day, and ride my bike for an hour a day (and now that I have a heart rate monitor I now know that I was burning about 600 calories from my workout)..so I was netting 600 calories a day. I was faithful, not counting a thanksgiving 4 day weekend (so that was about a month in) and then around mid december I was 130...so in 6 weeks I lost 15 pounds...which is alot for someone my size. I am a busy mom of 3 young children, and I work 32 hours a week as a cocktail waitress (so walking non stop and carrying trays full of drinks). So on top of it all I have a busy/active life. a week before x-mas After I hit 130, I have an emotional breakdown (I guess this is what happens when you deprive yourself and net 600 calories almost everyday for 6 weeks)...I told myself I'm going to take a break til after new years. So, it was the holidays so I endulged in anything my little food deprived heart desired...jan 1 comes...and ironic enough..I'm 145...i did a week of my 1200 calories and 600 calorie workouts..and then was at 137-138 (so most of it was water, but still 7-8 pound weight gain). Anyways, from january til present I have been off and on..my usual week goes something like this: diet for 4-5 days..and then binge for 2 days. For the last month however when I am on my "diet" I net 800-1000 calories vs. 600..yeah I know still not good, but better. I have been jumping around 132-138 since january..losing and gaining the same few pounds, because of my binge eating. It's really sad because I never had a binge problem before trying to lose weight. to lose a pound a week tdee calculators intsruct me to net 1500 calories a day (thank goodness for my active job!). I know these calculators are for people that have metabolism's that are in their prime, like mine was before my weight loss attempts. The last 2 weeks I have been eating like the average american. I am tired of being on the rollercoaster and want to net 1500 calories a day to lose 1 pound a week..I want to get down to 120-125 (i have a very small frame). I want to eat normal for one more week, and then weigh myself, then start netting 1500, and weigh myself in a month and then hopefully be down 4-5 pounds. should I calorie cycle the 1500 or eat 1500 everyday? do small calorie reductions cause weight loss stalls also? or are weight lost stalls caused by big calorie reductions? i guess i am looking for some input from anyone who has been there done that :)