Here Is My Story

My name is Nikki. I am 26 year old mother. I have two very handsome boys who are my whole world. After having my oldest son who will be 5 in October, I lost every ounce of the baby weight I had gained and then some. I was looking good, if I must say so myself lol. Things escalated between his father and I, and not in the good way, and I found myself depressed and anxious and eating my feelings which resulted in weight gain. I wasn't heavy then, only about 132. I am 5'2". Fast forward and I met my current boyfriend on St Patricks Day, and I was a lean and lovely 125lbs, and loving every inch of my body.

Some health issues arose, and I started to slowly gain weight back, and then on New Years day 2012 I found I was expecting my 2nd child! I gave birth on August 31st 2012 after numerous complications and issues and months of bed rest. I was cleared for exercise after three weeks, and was back to my pre-pregnancy weight by the 6 week mark. I was diagnosed with Post Partum Depression and the weight slowly started to pile on while being put on different medications to treat the depression and anxiety. Despite dieting, and walking 3 miles twice a day, and being on my feet almost all day, I have put back on all the weight I gained while pregnant, and am at the heaviest I have ever been.

I am currently weighing in at 157 lbs. My doctor has assured me it's mostly the medications fault, and that I am doing everything right, but it's BEYOND discouraging when NOTHING works.

I joined in hopes of finding people who are going through something similar and to gather support from people who understand. I don't have people in my life that understand the struggle of trying and seeing no results.

So that's me.

I need friends on here, so please, if you can relate at all...send me a friend request.

Thank you.