Who Really Motivates YOU?

I am new to serious working out, having been a recreational weight trainer off and on for some years, but nothing serious. I'm motivated by lots of people, both guys and girls. But there is one person who really motivates me...

Franco Columbu

It's his attitude, his strength, his ethnicity, and the fact that he holds two doctoral degrees.

Who is the one who really motivates YOU? And, why?


  • wnbrice
    wnbrice Posts: 244 Member
    The rock

    Because he is a fit as a fiddle bi-racial guy that I have looked up to since I was a kid.
  • ArcticTashka
    ArcticTashka Posts: 6 Member
    I lead a Circuit Training class, and participants motivate me. Most come right from work, and have to go home and deal with life, family, etc. They are busy people and It is inspiring to see them take even two hours a week for themselves.

    Also I want Cameron Diaz arms. More Tricep Dips!!
  • starbucksbuzz
    starbucksbuzz Posts: 466 Member
    Jamie Eason, my MFP buddies, and a couple girls at my gym.
  • Vune
    Vune Posts: 674 Member
    I'm currently the most motivated person I know! And I'm just a basement-dwelling, anxiety ridden actress who runs in place and eats her weight in veggies most days. If I wasn't a nutcase, I'd be really proud of myself.