108 Days of Yoga

Hello Everyone!

This was made by someone in a yoga group that I am in, themutineer, and it started on 2/28 (I believe...) anyway I just stumbled on it and am going to be starting it today! I'll copy her original post below here:


"Renowned mathematicians view 108 as a number of the wholeness of existence.
The individual numbers 1, 0, and 8 represent one thing, nothing, and everything, or infinity.
Some people claim 108 represents the ultimate reality of the universe as being paradoxically and simultaneously one, emptiness, and infinite.

According to yogic tradition, there are 108 pithas, or sacred sites, throughout India and 108 marma points, or sacred places of the body where consciousness and flesh intersect to give life to the living being.

Please join me on March 1st in my commitment to become present both on and off my mat by practicing yoga once daily for 108 consecutive days. This is a wonderful opportunity to cultivate love, peace, and awareness in your everyday life in order to bring more balance to the mind, body, and soul.

Please note that it is not a requirement that you be a seasoned practitioner to participate - yoga is a great practice for any body of any age to partake in. Also note that I strongly encourage you to tailor this program to meet your own goals, and to focus more on personal growth rather than weight-loss.

In the case that you would like to get an idea of ways in which to create your personal commitment plan, I will share my own:

- To complete at least one hour-long practice daily from March 1st through June 17th
- To complete at least one fifteen-minute-long meditation daily from March 1st through June 17th
- To remove as many animal products, processed foods, sugar, alchohol, and caffeine from my diet
- To introduce as many wholesome, natural, unprocessed foods to my diet
- To commit to living with an intention of love, peace, and awareness in my everyday life
- To commit to honoring myself entirely - my mind, body, and soul

My journey begins today. Will you join me? Please feel free to add me as a friend for support, or message me with any questions you might have."

If anyone wants to join in with me, I will be starting today and going until 8/17 :smile:

Edited to fix the dates :)