

  • brittanypatrice09
    brittanypatrice09 Posts: 2 Member
    Finished Day 2 this morning! Day 3 Tomorrow! Im ready!
  • bigcrystal123
    bigcrystal123 Posts: 246 Member
    Day 2 is done i am sore mainly my legs and stomach area.i am ready for day 3.i hope this gets easier to do
  • bnorris2013
    bnorris2013 Posts: 256 Member
    I just ordered the DVD from amazon because I couldn't find level 2 on you tube!!

    All 3 levels are on there

    I read that your supposed to do shred , shred, cardio day, shred , shred , cardio day then rest day so basically 30 day shred would be more like 8 weeks.
  • bnorris2013
    bnorris2013 Posts: 256 Member
    Ok today I am doing Just a cardio day

    I read that you should do 2 days of shred, 1 day cardio, 2 days of shred and 1 day cardio then have a rest day
    I will probally do it 2 days shred, 1 day cardio, 3 days shred then 1 day rest
    This way I am getting 5 days a week done and it will take me only 6 weeks.
  • bigcrystal123
    bigcrystal123 Posts: 246 Member
    Day 3 is done.felt great but my asthma was kickin in but i still finished going to to the whole 30 days.then im gonna do her others.i was sweating alot still but im not too to sore today.
  • jeades26
    jeades26 Posts: 2 Member
    I did day 3 yesterday, my legs are really the only party of me that is sore. I am only using 2lb weights though. Thinking of switching to 3lb weights. What lb weights does everyone else use?
  • DevinnAlexandriaHill
    DevinnAlexandriaHill Posts: 7 Member
    Today is Day 4 for me.....I am using 5 lb weights.
  • bigcrystal123
    bigcrystal123 Posts: 246 Member
    Day 4 was hard on me yesterday i was so sore i was about to soak in the bath for is day 5 wonder how its gonna do my body today.i have been using 3 pound weights.thats all i have for now
  • bigcrystal123
    bigcrystal123 Posts: 246 Member
    Day 5 wasnt as hard on my starting to try to do the jumping jacks.i still break out a good is day 6 of level 1.only 4 more days until i hit level
  • salcha76
    salcha76 Posts: 287 Member
    I am on day day 4 of level me tell ya...stick with it! i took day 1 pics & day 10 pics and the differance is astonishing....stick with it...curse her....and stick with's amazing what it does....
  • salcha76
    salcha76 Posts: 287 Member
    using 5-8# weights.....ugh.
  • Girl_On_Fire444
    So, I am doing Ripped in 30 now and wondering what you all think of the 30 day shred?
  • benska
    benska Posts: 7

    I just started the 30 Day Shred, and I also have Ripped in 30...I believe they are essentially the same workout. There may be one or two different exercises, but basically the same.

    I got through Level 1, Day 1 fairly easily...but I am dying right now, lol. My legs have taken the brunt of it, so I am a little leary of starting it up again. I may do some work on my Total Gym, or maybe just some of the 30 Day Shred ab work only. I had done the first day with 5lb. weights, but I also got some 3lb weights this last weekend to use as well.

    So very sore, I am shocked I am so out of shape.
  • Girl_On_Fire444
    Thanks for the feedback I appreciate it.
  • bigcrystal123
    bigcrystal123 Posts: 246 Member
    How is everyone doing on their 30 day going great i am on day 3 level 2.i have been going all the way through no breaks yet.i hope i can keep it like that.even though i sometimes wanna quit because its hard and soreness.but i told myself this is a goal i will finish it.
  • Metallux
    Metallux Posts: 117 Member
    I just started this arms are still shakey and my back muscles are sore but I'm in for the next 30. just took before pics :noway:
  • dez_yaoichan
    dez_yaoichan Posts: 454
    this is the second time doing 30DS

    this is my day so far:

    30DS L1D1 (270 cal)
    JM BFrontside C1-C3 (162 cal)
    Walking 2.5 MPH 5.25 Miles (547 cal)

    I have no idea how i'm even going to get out of bed tomorrow!
  • djwife03
    djwife03 Posts: 333 Member
    I am on level 2, and doing day 3 tomorrow. Also either walking or doing "ripped in 30"! Probably doing too much but I like to challenge myself! Very sore today so I'll be back at it tomorrow! That plank at the end of level 2 with the oblique twist is KILLER!!
  • cadjin
    cadjin Posts: 39 Member
    Just started last night, d1L1, arms are killing me this morning used hubby's smallest 4lb weights, I think there a bit to much!!! baked bean tins for me tonight! I can feel a slight burn in my thighs and backside but not a lot in my abs, hoping that will change otherwise I don't feel as though I have worked them! I can't believe how out of shape I really am, I had to stop once during the first workout last night, going to try and get through it all without stopping tonight.
    My Daughter is doing this with me but without the weights as she is only 13 (she has hang ups already! typical teen!) and she got through it no problem! shame on me for being so unfit!!
  • bigcrystal123
    bigcrystal123 Posts: 246 Member
    I will be on day 6 level 2 tomorrow still sweating my butt far i have lost 9.5 inches off my body so ps3 crashed so these past 2 day i have been using my phone to do the workout.i wanna finish it and i will.