Very interesting article I just read!

eliblish Posts: 124 Member
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
Here is a really interesting article about why it's good to consume fat with your fruits and veggies. Came from this website

Yes, yes, I’m supposed to be on sabbatical but sometimes I just can’t resist. A Swedish study recently published in the International Journal of
Environmental Research and Public Health found that eating fruits and vegetables didn’t lower the risk of coronary heart disease… unless said fruits and vegetables were consumed with high-fat dairy products!

Why would this be? The answer is simple biochemistry. Many of the vitamins and micronutrients in food are fat-soluble, which means they cannot be absorbed without the presence of adequate fat. That means that if you eat fruits or vegetables without fat, you’ll absorb only a fraction of the nutrients you would absorb if you ate them with fat.

Tara Parker-Pope, the health columnist for the Wall Street Journal, wrote an article about this some time back. She actually gives the ratios of nutrient absorption with and without accompanying fat.

She reports on a study of the nutrient absorption from fat-free salsa with and without extra fat:

For the salsa study, 11 test subjects were first given a meal of fat-free salsa and some bread. Another day, the same meal was offered, but this time avocado was added to the salsa, boosting the fat content of the meal to about 37% of calories. In checking blood levels of the test subjects, researchers found that the men and women absorbed an average of 4.4 times as much lycopene and 2.6 times as much beta carotene when the avocado was added to the food.

And here’s a study with and without avocado:

The first salad included romaine lettuce, baby spinach, shredded carrots and a no-fat dressing, resulting in a fat content of about 2%. After avocado was added, the fat content jumped to 42%. When the salad was consumed with the avocado, the 11 test subjects absorbed seven times the lutein and nearly 18 times the beta carotene. Lutein is a carotenoid found in many green vegetables and is linked with improved eye and heart health.

Another study done a few years ago at Ohio State University showed that salad dressing with oil brings out the best in a salad when compared to no-fat, low-fat dressings.

When the seven test subjects consumed salads with no-fat dressing, the absorption of carotenoids was negligible. When a reduced-fat dressing was used, the added fat led to a higher absorption of alpha and beta carotene and lycopene. But there was substantially more absorption of the healthful compounds when full-fat dressing was used.

Consuming adequate amounts of fat with fruits and veggies is especially true in the case of children. Vitamins and micronutrients are crucial for proper physical and mental development. Without adequate fat in the diet, children are literally starved of these nutrients.

Parents will often be very worried if their toddler doesn’t like vegetables. But Dr. Tom Cowan, a practitioner of functional medicine in San Francisco, CA, counsels such parents not to be too concerned about vegetable intake in the first few years of a child’s life. It’s far more important to ensure that the child is getting adequate saturated fat. What’s more, most parents find that if they slather some butter on the veggies they’re serving, their kids actually like them!

So, next time you eat broccoli or feed it to your kids, remember to add a big pat of butter! And have some full-fat cream with those strawberries while you’re at it.


  • squoozyq
    squoozyq Posts: 305
    I promise to wash down all my fruits and veggies with a milkshake.
  • kcdrake
    kcdrake Posts: 512
    I promise to wash down all my fruits and veggies with a milkshake.

  • Crysta1976
    Crysta1976 Posts: 184 Member
    I promise to wash down all my fruits and veggies with a milkshake.

    Works for me!!!

    So when I get a Frosty with salad at Wendy's, I'm actually doing myself a favor! :laugh:
  • eliblish
    eliblish Posts: 124 Member
    LOL!!! Sounds like a great idea. :wink:
  • sunnyskys
    sunnyskys Posts: 43
    loved the information thanks so much! I dont have to give up my butter Hurrah!!! I think I am going to love this place~!
  • valleyp
    valleyp Posts: 49
    I have read similar studies other places but I actualy experience being "fat starved" if I limit my fats. I literally become spacey, depressed and totally lose my energy. It's crazy because sometimes other people can tell something's "off" with me when it's happening. Just one spoonful of coconut oil for me is like the Claritin Clear commercial.
  • missouri_rain
    missouri_rain Posts: 560 Member
    Great article....pass the butter please
  • elizamary77
    elizamary77 Posts: 76 Member
    Good info thanks!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I promise to wash down all my fruits and veggies with a milkshake.

    Works for me!!!

    So when I get a Frosty with salad at Wendy's, I'm actually doing myself a favor! :laugh:
    :drinker: :tongue:
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