Plateau...need MFP friends

I am in my forties. Have a goal of at least 20 more pounds to lose. I have been on a plateau for almost 2 weeks. This makes no sense at all as I really watch my calories and exercise daily, and is disheartening. I have come to realize I need some friends for encouragement. I will support you on your weight loss journey too!


  • I was just thinking the same thing! I need some help and friends to motivate me as well! With that being said we can motivate each other! :smile:
  • strawberry1969
    strawberry1969 Posts: 1,476 Member
    I'm also in my forties and have been on this plateau for over a month! feel free to add me
  • michelle7673
    michelle7673 Posts: 370 Member
    Feel free to add me :)
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    I totally understand how hard it is to keep going when you are not losing pounds. I'm 38 and have about 30-40 lbs to lose. I've had to pay more attention to inches lost and I use clothes to help me see progress too because I'm not regularly losing pounds even though my caloric intake is right on and I work out regularly. I only lost 1 pound last month. That was on the 10th. No pounds lost since then but I know I'm continuing to lose inches and my body shape is improving. Hang in there and take your measurements!
  • Nightterror218
    Nightterror218 Posts: 375 Member
    all I can say is persistence. I hit a plateau and asked why? I just stuck to it, My weight is finally on its way back down. I have no idea what i did. I did focus on being as accurate as possible with my calorie counting. i did not realize how off I really was "eye balling" how much I was eating.
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    I am in my late 30's (feel free to add me I will try to lift your spirits when if I can!)

    I have found through lots of trial and error the following:

    Always go by more than the scale - pictures / old clothes that were tight. Measure yourself monthly at least. Also if you can find out your body fat %.
    A few weeks ago - I only lost .6 of a pound after busting my behind all week. I was feeling discouraged...measured ohhh I lost some inches!! Then did my body fat to find out I was down a % on there!! Double bonus!! Lifted me right back up!!

    Also - if you stop losing - mix things up. Either your work outs - change for awhile or your diet. You can increase or lower your calorie goal or you can use the alternating calorie method. High on some days - spot on some days and low on some days.

    If what you were doing stops need to change it :)
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    I am in my forties. Have a goal of at least 20 more pounds to lose. I have been on a plateau for almost 2 weeks. This makes no sense at all as I really watch my calories and exercise daily, and is disheartening. I have come to realize I need some friends for encouragement. I will support you on your weight loss journey too!

    It can be frustrating, but two weeks isn't all that long for a plateau so don't panic just yet. Give it another week or two, making sure that you are 100% accurate and consistent in your food logging. If there's still no movement, then change something up - try a new exercise or increase the intensity or alter your workout routine in some way.
    Hang in there - it's a lifestyle change and it takes time.
  • gigi_RN2013
    gigi_RN2013 Posts: 141 Member
    I am in my late 30's (feel free to add me I will try to lift your spirits when if I can!)

    I have found through lots of trial and error the following:

    Always go by more than the scale - pictures / old clothes that were tight. Measure yourself monthly at least. Also if you can find out your body fat %.
    A few weeks ago - I only lost .6 of a pound after busting my behind all week. I was feeling discouraged...measured ohhh I lost some inches!! Then did my body fat to find out I was down a % on there!! Double bonus!! Lifted me right back up!!

    Also - if you stop losing - mix things up. Either your work outs - change for awhile or your diet. You can increase or lower your calorie goal or you can use the alternating calorie method. High on some days - spot on some days and low on some days.

    If what you were doing stops need to change it :)

    I'm having this same issue as well. Scales haven't moved in about 2 weeks now and zero inches have come off too lol. It's so frustrating.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    How many calories are you netting? Any chance you are eating very low cal? That will cause plateaus.
  • bucksterboo
    bucksterboo Posts: 32 Member
    Possibly, It looks like the past couple weeks I have been 5000 - 6000 calories under the weekly goal. Maybe up my calories?
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    as much as it does not make sense to most of us - upping your calories could be the key. I started with 1200 (worked great for 2 weeks then nothing!) - I am now just over 1500 as much as possible. It works somehow :/ Inches - body fat or pounds seem steady so far.
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    Possibly, It looks like the past couple weeks I have been 5000 - 6000 calories under the weekly goal. Maybe up my calories?

    Definitely! Gotta fuel your body for those workouts and not create too much of a deficit. Doing that will cause plateaus.
  • gigi_RN2013
    gigi_RN2013 Posts: 141 Member
    Possibly, It looks like the past couple weeks I have been 5000 - 6000 calories under the weekly goal. Maybe up my calories?

    Definitely! Gotta fuel your body for those workouts and not create too much of a deficit. Doing that will cause plateaus.

    i just checked and I was under as well by 2000 cals. So are we suppose to be eating back the cals we burn during exercise?
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Possibly, It looks like the past couple weeks I have been 5000 - 6000 calories under the weekly goal. Maybe up my calories?

    Definitely! Gotta fuel your body for those workouts and not create too much of a deficit. Doing that will cause plateaus.

    i just checked and I was under as well by 2000 cals. So are we suppose to be eating back the cals we burn during exercise?

    You should eat back about 3/4 of the exercise calories if you are doing things the MFP way. If you are doing it the TDEE way then no because the exercise is included in it.
  • gigi_RN2013
    gigi_RN2013 Posts: 141 Member
    Possibly, It looks like the past couple weeks I have been 5000 - 6000 calories under the weekly goal. Maybe up my calories?

    Definitely! Gotta fuel your body for those workouts and not create too much of a deficit. Doing that will cause plateaus.

    i just checked and I was under as well by 2000 cals. So are we suppose to be eating back the cals we burn during exercise?

    You should eat back about 3/4 of the exercise calories if you are doing things the MFP way. If you are doing it the TDEE way then no because the exercise is included in it.

    omg so that really makes sense. i will try to adjust myself this week. thank you!