does it take alot for you to feel full?

I read posts here on MFP of people (ok, usually women) saying they have a hard time meeting their calories, or that they can barely make it to 1200 calories.
I do NOT understand this!!! Just eat bread and butter yo, it is delicious and very high calorie!!!
I am generally still hungry at close to 2000 calories a day, and I eat healthy, nutrient dense foods (although I know I could eat more protein).
Truthfully I could eat well over 2500 cals a day but we know where that would get me!!! maybe one day I'll be lifting weights enough to eat as much as I want!
Portion control is now my lifestyle but of course I wish it didn't have to be. I cannot even understand the concept of "needing to eat more"!!!


  • MouseTmom
    MouseTmom Posts: 201 Member
    If you eat low calorie foods you can eat a lot. One of my favorites is zucchini (raw or zapped in the microwave), salad with fat free dressing and broccoli. I also eat apples with Chocolate PB2 (a powdered peanut butter) or microwave baked apple slices (peeled sliced apple, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, 1/2 tsp sugar, 1/2 tsp corn starch, 1-2 tsp water. Put apples in plastic bag - mix dry ingredients and pour over apples, shake until well coated - add water and microwave until soft). I don't eat a lot during the day but I do eat a big dinner.
  • nytefalle
    nytefalle Posts: 63
    I'm at that point in the evening when I just start looking around for something to add a few calories before the day's over. I feel like I've been eating all day, but my net is only at 1014. Bread & butter has never been my thing and I already feel full. Maybe there's still a can of macadamia nuts laying around here somewhere...
  • StArBeLLa87
    StArBeLLa87 Posts: 1,582 Member
    I eat a lot and net low low I eat healthy I can't eat gluten and most grains due to allergies and being a celiac I'm never hungry!
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    People have difficulty reaching 1200 usually because they restrict caloric intake chronically so that leptin receptors gets altered enough to lead to inaccurate measurements of serum leptin affecting satiety. This inaccuracy causes people to feel full even when they have not met energy needs. Along with this restriction, comes a lower TDEE - meaning the maximum amount of calories they can eat to maintain weight decreases. Lastly, they may be adopting a very rigid definition of "eating clean" which results in an intake of very few carbs and healthy fats.
  • StArBeLLa87
    StArBeLLa87 Posts: 1,582 Member
    People have difficulty reaching 1200 usually because they restrict caloric intake chronically so that leptin receptors gets altered enough to lead to inaccurate measurements of serum leptin affecting satiety. This inaccuracy causes people to feel full even when they have not met energy needs. Along with this restriction, comes a lower TDEE - meaning the maximum amount of calories they can eat to maintain weight decreases. Lastly, they may be adopting a very rigid definition of "eating clean" which results in an intake of very few carbs and healthy fats.

    Good explanation
  • nytefalle
    nytefalle Posts: 63
    People have difficulty reaching 1200 usually because they restrict caloric intake chronically so that leptin receptors gets altered enough to lead to inaccurate measurements of serum leptin affecting satiety. This inaccuracy causes people to feel full even when they have not met energy needs. Along with this restriction, comes a lower TDEE - meaning the maximum amount of calories they can eat to maintain weight decreases. Lastly, they may be adopting a very rigid definition of "eating clean" which results in an intake of very few carbs and healthy fats.

    I've never been a big eater & my primary focus is to make sure I get enough every day. Normally, my morning shake gets me 600-700 calories, but I ran out of cottage cheese & my whole day was off as a result. I avoid low-fat foods because I NEED those calories and try to eat homemade nut butters or avocado daily. Water is my go-to beverage followed by iced decaf teas or coffee with Truvia. I use turbinado or raw honey in hot tea because I can't shake the chemical taste of sweeteners in warm drinks.
  • larsensue
    larsensue Posts: 461 Member
    DITTO!!!! what do you mean you can't even eat 1200cals??? what are you an alien?
  • ArchangelMJ
    ArchangelMJ Posts: 308 Member
    Oh gee, I SO agree with you! It's like people are speaking another language when they say it's difficult to eat 1200 calories as if it's TOO MUCH food, lol! I mean, I could easily plow through that in one meal and still be hungry later. If I eat low calorie foods it's like they're burned in the blink of an eye because I'm starving within an hour.

    Boggles the mind.
  • LeahT84
    LeahT84 Posts: 202 Member
    If you eat healthy, low calorie food, 1200 calories stretches quite far and you will feel more full. My days are filled with low cal cheese sticks, carrots, zucchini, cucumbers, sandwich thins, chicken, fish, lots and lots of broccoli and cauliflower... this things are very low in calories, high in nutrition. I rarely feel like I NEED to eat past that.
  • nytefalle
    nytefalle Posts: 63
    Oh gee, I SO agree with you! It's like people are speaking another language when they say it's difficult to eat 1200 calories as if it's TOO MUCH food, lol! I mean, I could easily plow through that in one meal and still be hungry later. If I eat low calorie foods it's like they're burned in the blink of an eye because I'm starving within an hour.

    Boggles the mind.

    I've always been extremely sedentary...never participated in sports or did much exercising for extended periods. I would stay in a particular weight range for 3-4 years before slowly creeping up 5 or 10 pounds as my metabolism slowed the older I got. The whole time, I would average probably 2 meals a day. I'm also an un-medicated hypothyroid.

    In February, I got serious about taking care of myself and started to exercise 13+ hours a week. Unfortunately, a lifetime of poor eating habits were harder to break. Except for the occasional sweet tooth indulgence, I didn't drink my calories at all. I gave up caffeine (excluding chocolate. I'm not a monster) over 10 years ago to relieve mitral valve prolapse symptoms. A pint of ice cream would last over a month because I'd eat a few spoonfuls and be over it.

    Even though I'm netting 1000, I've eaten nearly 1600 calories today which is HUGE for me. Two months ago, I would have been pushing it to get to 1200 and didn't eat back my exercise. My daily goal is 1900, and honestly, that number could be higher, but I'm slowly getting used to feeding my body more & more.

    edit: I have WAAY cut down on the amount of exercise I'm doing so that my body can catch back up. These days, I'm mostly just doing Zombies, Run 5K every other day & will start going back to the pool & Zumba as I get in the habit of eating enough to sustain the activity.
  • rudarbe
    rudarbe Posts: 164 Member
    I haven't felt full since I was morbidly obese :'( I can only feel satisfied.
    The weird thing is, even now if I try to get full... I can't!