I'm gonna pop a vein!!!!

I'm so lost with this diet stuff and getting so demotivated!!
I am 30 5 8" and 191pounds! My diet was as follows:
1600 calories per day: breakfast Pro Nutro (half a cup) 1 cup full cream
Milk and 2 tspn's brown sugar. Lunch: 2 minute noodles (1serving)
Dinner whatever I was COOKING for dinner: spaghetti and ground beef (1cup each)
Or brown rice (half cup) and a cup of each of the vegetables, I'm not
Really big on meat never was, but sometimes ill have some fish or chicken
Or bbq or an egg. After 2 months on this diet I gained A LOT of weight, (but
I must admit we have a lot of parties and drink A LOT of alcohol, which I try
To count with my 1600) so in desperation I'm now on this 13 day metabolic diet,
Its too little food! And a lot of meat, so on day 3 I already binged ond chips and popcorn.
Please advise, how do Iose weight having such a busy social life?
How should I be eating??? I'm at my wits end, if I can't get this sorted I'm gonna give up!
Btw: I'm pretty sedentary, I have a desk job, maybe take a walk in the neighborhood
Once or twice a week...and I'm suffering with extreme lower back pain,
I used to do weight liftin wich helped a lot, but I need to get my back sorted first


  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    Without being able to see you diary its hard to say but going on what you said I would think you need to at least increase your protein
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Well, maybe recalculate your TDEE to see if 1600 is where you really need to be with. Check out this link if you like for a simple way to figure it out:

    Other suggestions:

    Invest in a food scale. (You can find them pretty cheap. $30 and less. I think wal-mart has some for $10-$15).
    Maybe you are underestimating how much food you are really eating. Are you being consistent? Taking a peek at your diary would help, but that's up to you if you want to or not.

    You say you drink a lot of alcohol - that pushes the calorie count up pretty quickly. You are probably consuming more calories than you think.

    Add in exercise, even if you start of with just a brisk 15 minute walk a day..at least it is something.

    Honestly, from what you've said, I really think you are consuming a lot more than you think you are.
  • sniffskin
    sniffskin Posts: 2
    Thank you Joy Joy
  • Need2lose456
    Need2lose456 Posts: 131 Member
    OK, i am no expert, i am trying to get my grip on these things too, but here is my take!

    Breakfast, cut out the pronutro and rather go for home cooked oats. or if you want to have the pronutro, leave out the sugar and swop the full cream milk for some lowfat or fat free milk.
    Have a snack at 10am and 2pm, try 4 tuc or provita biscuits with fat free cottage cheese and fruits.
    For lunch, try and have fish and veggies or chicken and veggies.
    Supper, try and have a salad

    Drink more water and definitely add some exercise to your daily routine! Try some cardio dvds, or zumba.

    As for the alcohol, fizzy ciders aren't good, neither is beer, your best options are wine or whiskey and water.

    a hectic social life is one thing, but you really need to think about whether you want to lose the weight or not, all these people that have done incredible jobs with weightloss on MFP have put in blood, sweat and tears, they have sacrificed and compromised to get to where they are, it doesn't come easy, but its always your choice!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    how much weight did yo uput on in the 2 months that you are 1600 cals? it is unlikely that amount is causing you to actually gain fat. are you counting all your alcohol calories? and any nibbles you eat while drunk?
  • I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine. In the morning if my face is a little puffy I'll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, th...en a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.
  • Peni_Davidson
    Peni_Davidson Posts: 54 Member
    Nobody enjoys a drink more than myself but when I decided to lose weight I had to accept that alcohol would be severely rationed. Everything that goes into your mouth needs to be measured accurately and logged. If you want to drink have a white wine spritzer (white wine and club soda) it lasts longer than a glass of wine, but ensure you know how much wine is in it so you can log it accurately.
  • kirstyfairhead
    kirstyfairhead Posts: 220 Member
    Think your problem is likely to be all about hidden calories at the moment. At your height and weight you should definitely be losing at 1600cals and no way should be gaining.

    I had a night off last weekend and had a few drinks... ok quite a few.... which came to about 1000cals all on their own, it's easily done.

    First thing is start logging your intake really accurately, you might surprise yourself. Add every snack, every drink, the milk in your coffee, every spoon of sugar etc etc.

    Then work out an accurate BMR and TDEE and start eating between those figures at whatever % deficit you think you can cope with up to 20%

    Once you've got your head around this then you can worry about fine tuning, adding more exercise in etc



    Doing it means being a bit fed up and frustrated sometimes
    Not doing it means being overweight always
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Looks like a very carb-dependent diet you have. Now don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with carbs but it looks like you could do with increasing your protein and healthy fat intake - fat is essential to a healthy diet so cutting it too low can cause problems.

    Also, as others have said a food scale is a worthwhile investment, I wouldn't be without one as I can't trust my portion sizes.

    Be sure to log everything you eat/drink. Alcohol can pile on a surprising amount of calories.
  • I, too, enjoy wine in the evening or a 'social' evening with friends - but what others have said here is spot-on. Alcohol not only has a lot of calories in and of itself, but your body views it as a toxin, so it will 'burn' the alcohol and 'save' whatever calories you're eating while drinking to be burned later (translate: it will store the calories as fat!) It will also slow down the calorie burn process in general just like it slows the rest of you down. AND it lowers your inhibitions and your self-control so "munching" while drinking is almost automatic and who wants to 'count' all their munching calories when they're socalizing? It's a vicious cycle.

    It also robs your body of B-vitamins especially - which are necessary for healthy metabolism and which are mostly found in meats.

    You might want to try cutting way back on your alcohol for a little while and see what happens. Socializing doesn't have to mean drinking heavily.