5 miles per day. Any motivation tips out there?

Well, I've been talking about doing this for a while now, but it just doesn't seem like I'm able to stick to it. So, I'm going to give it one last shot. I'm gunning for 180 pounds. That's a 25 pound drop, and I want to do it in 12 weeks.

5 miles per day, 6 days a week for 12 weeks. I know I CAN do it. I'm just not sure HOW to motivate myself TO do it.

Does anybody have tips on how to self motivate, and stick with it? 12 weeks is a long time.


  • RioMike
    RioMike Posts: 14 Member
    If you make it a habit, it becomes easier to do since you come to expect it. Do your workout the same time each day, preferably in the morning. That way, it's out of the way and done!

    Take away any temptation not to do it. Lay out your workout clothes and accessories the night before to make it easy to get started.

    Do you listen to anything? If not, consider doing that, and add in something inspirational to keep you going. You can do this!
  • Tiznonay
    Tiznonay Posts: 124 Member
    I jog about 5 miles 5 days out of the week, its definitely do-able. Id say start kinda slow. Maybe like 3 or 4 miles a day, with some walking mixed in. The first two months were the hardest for me when I started. My feet/ankles/knees would hurt during and after my jog, but I stuck with it, and eventually it got easier. Now its not even a big deal to jog 5 miles, and I NEVER thought I'd say that! If you have any questions or want some motivation when it gets tough feel free to friend me, im pretty new here!
  • ChampPinoy
    ChampPinoy Posts: 3
    There are tools that will keep you going regardless of motivation. I was used to gunning 1.5 miles and doing three miles was pretty good for me. I have a heart rate monitor and I keep my heart rate at the 80-90% range (about 180 bpm). You may want to stick to 150 or 160.

    One of the best advice my wife shared with me (who completed a marathon and dropped over 100 lbs) was that I had to slow down and even walk when I needed to. I started out with 4 miles. Then I worked my way up to 5.23 (using map my run.com).

    Another tool that I use which is very accurate and syncs with MFP is the Bodymedia armband. It will cost you; however, I am finding it worth the investment.

    Regardless, hard work and dedication, along with your MFP friends will definitely go a long way - the best to you!!! HOORAH!
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    Well firstly do you actually enjoy running? Because that may be part of the issue. I don't mind running, but the same distance 6 days a week would slowly destroy my soul. Is there any reason, besides the weight loss, that you want to run 5 miles a day 6 days a week. Why not try something else that burns an equivalent amount of calories, say 3 night a week just to mix it up. At the end of the day the best workout is one you actually do and I find mixing it up really helps.

    If you're stuck on the whole running 5 miles idea why not try mixing it up within that concept. You could try things like interval running, make one night a fast run and then the next a slow and steady one. Try running in different locations with different hill profiles for easier or harder runs. Another tip would be to recruit a running buddy (or more than one if needed). Make set times to meet up with said buddies so you have to go or you're letting them and yourself down. Making a killer new playlist to listen to when running might help. Make a bet with a close friend or family member that you'll go 6 times a week, sacrifice something for every night you miss (could be money, could be chores around the house or anything really).

    Everybody lacks motivation from time to time. You need to create and put in place a plan to combat that using some of the ideas above.
  • Kiska77
    Kiska77 Posts: 24
    There are games online that you can play to help you be motivated. No, seriously. They give you missions where you have to 'outrun' an enemy, pick up supplies then bring them to town to decide who gets them etc. They use real world miles that you track when you run, you can still make your own soundtrack etc. A friend of mine is into zombies so he does this one, though I imagine there are others. .


    Also, I can't remember the name of the site, but there is one that tracks your miles and donates to a charity of your choice based on how fast/far you run.

    Mind games for yourself, tell yourself you just have to do that first 1/2 mile, after that you can turn around and go home if you want - usually by the time that 1st 1/2 is up you'll want to keep going.
  • lee91356
    lee91356 Posts: 330 Member
    I jog about 5 miles 5 days out of the week, its definitely do-able. Id say start kinda slow. Maybe like 3 or 4 miles a day, with some walking mixed in. The first two months were the hardest for me when I started. My feet/ankles/knees would hurt during and after my jog, but I stuck with it, and eventually it got easier. Now its not even a big deal to jog 5 miles, and I NEVER thought I'd say that! If you have any questions or want some motivation when it gets tough feel free to friend me, im pretty new here!

    I started jogging using a jogging app a few months back (weighing about the same as you) and like said ^^^ the key is to start slowly. Now after several months I can easily do 5+ miles (I too never thought it would happen) but it takes time and practice. I found that if you do too much and too quickly it will drain your body and energy. (I have had days, especially in the begging where I was physically drained after my jog and my body ached for days) Oh and make sure to stretch. But most importantly have fun!
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    30 miles a week to start is just asking to get injured. Try C25K to start and do something else on the other days. I didn't start running 6 days a week until I had been at it for about 4 years.
  • joyfulrunner22
    joyfulrunner22 Posts: 33 Member
    30 miles a week to start is just asking to get injured. Try C25K to start and do something else on the other days. I didn't start running 6 days a week until I had been at it for about 4 years.

    This is the honest truth! Unless you want IT band issues, Achilles tendon issues, etc, starting out with that many miles would be detrimental to your goal. I am speaking from experience. I went from a running a small amount of miles to running nearly 40 for three weeks straight, and I hurt myself. It took me out of the game for over six months.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    30 miles a week to start is just asking to get injured. Try C25K to start and do something else on the other days. I didn't start running 6 days a week until I had been at it for about 4 years.

    This. Extra cardio is not the answer for losing weight and this is a recipe for injury.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    30 miles a week to start is just asking to get injured. Try C25K to start and do something else on the other days. I didn't start running 6 days a week until I had been at it for about 4 years.

    pretty much this. even if it's just walking, it can be stressfull to the body.
  • ChloeRoseLejeune
    when i need motivation i just think of this day:

    so i have to do presentation for class
    -awkward as ****
    -start working out
    -not so awkward
    -zyzz is my inspiration
    -presentation again
    -just keep telling myself "i'm fawkin zeez bruh"
    -get confident
    -my turn
    -i get up there
    -start shaking uncontrollably
    -start telling myself "i'm fawkin zeez bruh"
    -teacher says I can start anytime
    -I start off with "i'm fawkin zeez bruh"
    -at this point I'm so nervous I blackout
    -"i'm fawkin zeez bruh"
    -repeat at least 4 more times
    -look around the room, people are saying "why does he keep saying that?"
    -girls start laughing
    -I pass out
    -hit head on the corner of teacher's desk
    -minor concussion
    -teacher thinks I was on drugs
    -classmates call my zeezprah
    -nickname eventually turns into zebra
    -i haven't heard my real name in months
    -haven't been this depressed since high school
  • VickyO1977
    VickyO1977 Posts: 156 Member
    Is this running or walking? Just keep going one foot in front of the other and remember every step is a step in the right direction a step closer to your daily goal.
  • Bigmitch41
    Bigmitch41 Posts: 73 Member
    Loads of free apps for your phone if you have a smartphone, Endomondo works for me :smokin:
  • teeset
    teeset Posts: 12 Member
    I have been jogging for 4 weeks now and have just hit the 1.8 mile. I am very overweight, so this feels like a big achievement! I have today been experiencing a lot of knee pain and wonder, should i take it easier or if i push myself, will the pain go eventually? any suggestions please.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    when i need motivation i just think of this day:

    so i have to do presentation for class
    -awkward as ****
    -start working out
    -not so awkward
    -zyzz is my inspiration

    There is your problem
  • Lunachic77
    Lunachic77 Posts: 434 Member
    when i need motivation i just think of this day:

    so i have to do presentation for class
    -awkward as ****
    -start working out
    -not so awkward
    -zyzz is my inspiration

    There is your problem

    ^Agreed. Why idolize a guy that died from steriod abuse and spawned a generation of GTL *kitten*?
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    when i need motivation i just think of this day:

    so i have to do presentation for class
    -awkward as ****
    -start working out
    -not so awkward
    -zyzz is my inspiration

    There is your problem

    ^Agreed. Why idolize a guy that died from steriod abuse and spawned a generation of GTL *kitten*?

    Judging from her other posts today, I'm guessing the poster is just copying and pasting random quotes here.
  • mousemom18
    mousemom18 Posts: 172 Member
    30 miles a week to start is just asking to get injured. Try C25K to start and do something else on the other days. I didn't start running 6 days a week until I had been at it for about 4 years.

    pretty much this. even if it's just walking, it can be stressfull to the body.

    THIS! That's about five of us now trying to tell you this. 30 miles/week from a standing start is a recipe for injury. If C25K is too slow for you search the web for a 10k training programme for beginners and work your way up.

    It will help you lose weight in the long run because you'll have the use of your LEGS longer.
  • essjay76
    essjay76 Posts: 465 Member
    30 miles a week to start is just asking to get injured. Try C25K to start and do something else on the other days. I didn't start running 6 days a week until I had been at it for about 4 years.

    I was just gonna say......

    Going from 0 to 5 miles 6 times a week is quite a bit.

    +1 to the C25K, it'll eeeaaaaase you into it. If you try to run this much right now, you may end up hurting yourself, getting burnt out, and hating it.
  • Mjhnbgff
    Mjhnbgff Posts: 112
    That's a really crazy plan and there is no way you can pull it off. I am a new runner myself and 5 miles is my long run. It takes me around 55 minutes to run 5 miles and let me tell you, it's a tough run! I only do it once a week. Last week I ran 20 miles total over 5 days and although I avoided injury, my body is really paying the price so I had to dial back the running. I had to foam roll and stretch for 1.5 hours after my last run and I am icing my knees right now. There are other ways to lose weight that will save your joints. I lost 50 lbs before I even attempted C25K.