Wait... whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? D:

My legs are getting so big right now that i'm getting a little nervous!
I've never been an skinny girl and my legs has always been the main problem, and i thought that by doing exercise they will shrink as well as my hips...
Well, taking my measures i discovered that my legs are apparently growing, and my hips aren't going anywhere! why? am i doing some excercise that makes them bigger? which? i'm doing 30 day shred JM and cardio running 30 minutes a day... i don't think any of those will make my legs bigger, right?

So please, please, if any of you know a routine, an excercise, some food or anything to make my legs less heavier i would thank you to please tell me.


  • FrankiesSaysRelax
    FrankiesSaysRelax Posts: 403 Member
    If you only recently started working out your muscles are probably holding onto water from the exercise. Unless you've actually gained weight, I would give it a few more weeks before measuring again. Let your body get used to the new routine of working out and you'll notice a loss of inches.
  • nytefalle
    nytefalle Posts: 63
    Take a DEEP BREATH and relax. Your muscles are retaining some extra water right now, that's all. It will go away. It's incredibly hard to permanently get super big muscles in a short amount of time & a woman's body will almost never lend itself to being bulky anyway. Keep doing resistance exercises. You body loves it.

    It's impossible to spot reduce so there is literally nothing you can do for a specific part of your body. You have to work on getting rid of fat period. Your body will decide where it comes off first.

    Don't freak out. You will be strong and gorgeous.