still have a 2000 calorie deficit...what to do

so i've still got about 2000 calories to eat today and its already 945 and i dont even know if im that hungry...should i still try to eat some more to help prevent muscle loss or will it not matter since ive already expended the energy? thanks for opinions...


  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    I don't know about muscle loss. But, you should eat something. Even if it's just a sandwich.
  • lizlkbg
    lizlkbg Posts: 566
    You're fine. Get some sleep.
  • bluebusgirl
    bluebusgirl Posts: 14
    How many calories did you eat? If you have that much of a deficit, it can't have been much! You shouldn't have a deficit of more than three digits. You should have gotten a message saying that you are not consuming enough calories. Did you see that?
  • LOL @ thinking you're going to lose all your gains in one day.

  • chesq77
    chesq77 Posts: 270 Member
    nah brah, if loosing some weight is your goal not eating will help. you can basically say you did a long fasting period which isnt bad every now and then..fasting for periods of time is actually really good for you..muscle doesnt get broken down immeadiatly it takes about 48 hours for your body to attack muscle. your body is a smart organism if you havent eaten itll just attack your extra fat for energy..loosing gains is not an issue just make sure to get back on track tomorrow!
  • longtimeterp
    longtimeterp Posts: 614 Member
    nah brah, if loosing some weight is your goal not eating will help. you can basically say you did a long fasting period which isnt bad every now and then..fasting for periods of time is actually really good for you..muscle doesnt get broken down immeadiatly it takes about 48 hours for your body to attack muscle. your body is a smart organism if you havent eaten itll just attack your extra fat for energy..loosing gains is not an issue just make sure to get back on track tomorrow!

    looking at your profile pic, i guess i can trust that advice lol. maybe ill just make me a casein shake before bed with milk instead of water, and 2 scoops.
  • longtimeterp
    longtimeterp Posts: 614 Member
    How many calories did you eat? If you have that much of a deficit, it can't have been much! You shouldn't have a deficit of more than three digits. You should have gotten a message saying that you are not consuming enough calories. Did you see that?

    my diary is open, im at like 2550 now, forcing down 1000 more is not very likely, maybe that 300 cal shake i just mentioned...
  • longtimeterp
    longtimeterp Posts: 614 Member
    You're fine. Get some sleep.

    that sounds like a great plan actually, i think the lack of calories has me a little tired anyways!
  • godsgrl33
    godsgrl33 Posts: 307 Member
    My husband is a big guy (300+ lb.), and many times, he eats less than I do, or he'll eat most of his food after 3 p.m. I'm trying to get it through his head that he has to eat small meals/snacks throughout the day if he wants to lose weight. He's on Weight Watchers, and they tell him to do that too. Your body needs fuel, and if you starve it, it will hold onto every calorie! Even if you're not hungry throughout the day, make yourself eat a small snack.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    It's just one day. It shouldn't hurt anything. Just don't make a pattern of if, and it shouldn't do any harm.
  • chesq77
    chesq77 Posts: 270 Member
    if youre going to be working out tomorrow or doing some type of heavy or intense exercise yeah go for the shake you mentioned cuz you might feel mentally weaker while working out...not really physically more mentally as it might be harder to get that extra push and drive...but if you dont really have a workout planned its not that necessary.youll give your body some time to attack some excess fat
  • Whats ur BF %
  • BossReyes
    BossReyes Posts: 117 Member
    MFP tells me to eat around 3000 calories a day. I stick to 2000 max. So if you're around there, not much to worry about. Just eat a minimum of 1500 calories a day.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    My husband is a big guy (300+ lb.), and many times, he eats less than I do, or he'll eat most of his food after 3 p.m. I'm trying to get it through his head that he has to eat small meals/snacks throughout the day if he wants to lose weight. He's on Weight Watchers, and they tell him to do that too. Your body needs fuel, and if you starve it, it will hold onto every calorie! Even if you're not hungry throughout the day, make yourself eat a small snack.
    All of this is wrong. When you eat makes absolutely no difference. Total calories and macros are important, eating them in 20 meals, or all at once, in the morning, or right before bed, will make absolutely no difference.
  • SenseiCole
    SenseiCole Posts: 429 Member
    I just looked at your food diary

    I'm thinking wow man you need to eat some thing

    and you need to eat more often too


    "If you did have a million-dollar racehorse, would you let him stay up half the night drinking coffee and booze, smoking cigarettes and eating junk food?" "Would you treat your 10-dollar dog or your 5-dollar cat that way? What about your billion-dollar body?"

    anyone can add me
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I just looked at your food diary

    I'm thinking wow man you need to eat some thing

    and you need to eat more often too


    "If you did have a million-dollar racehorse, would you let him stay up half the night drinking coffee and booze, smoking cigarettes and eating junk food?" "Would you treat your 10-dollar dog or your 5-dollar cat that way? What about your billion-dollar body?"

    anyone can add me
    You keep posting that quote. Posting it constantly won't make it actually make sense.
  • longtimeterp
    longtimeterp Posts: 614 Member
    Whats ur BF %

    currently somewhere between 17-18%ish i think, i avg my scale and hand monitor measurments to get that though, and i know bioimpedance isnt the best method
  • longtimeterp
    longtimeterp Posts: 614 Member
    MFP tells me to eat around 3000 calories a day. I stick to 2000 max. So if you're around there, not much to worry about. Just eat a minimum of 1500 calories a day.

    well today it told me to eat around 5800, and i finally managed 3150 lol
  • longtimeterp
    longtimeterp Posts: 614 Member
    if youre going to be working out tomorrow or doing some type of heavy or intense exercise yeah go for the shake you mentioned cuz you might feel mentally weaker while working out...not really physically more mentally as it might be harder to get that extra push and drive...but if you dont really have a workout planned its not that necessary.youll give your body some time to attack some excess fat

    well i plan on doing like 45-60min fasted cardio right when i wake, and am hoping to hit some weights tomorrow night, havn't lifted since sunday. ive found the casein at night makes a big difference in how long i can go without feeling queasy
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    A good bit of ice cream and/or some chocolate bars will do the trick.