
eresin Posts: 104 Member
Hey all,

It's been a long time since I've used MFP. At the start of the year I decided to cut out caffeine from my diet as I suffer from migraines and don't sleep great so i thought I'd give it a shot. As I drank a lot of coca cola, I had to cut that out too. Obviously the sugar in the cola was a big factor too. I went from 169lbs to 159lbs by the time March came around (I'm 5'2" so BMI is high end of overweight, aiming for 112lbs which puts me nicely in the middle of normal BMI).

I have since crept back up to 162lbs, but I'm not disheartened. I think now I need to kick in with some exercise as I am happy with my diet to an extend. I am a snacker. With my migraines if I don't eat often then they flair up so I need to eat a little every couple of hours. I struggle with money and fruit tends to be more expensive than sugary snacks, so this is downfall for me.

Anyway, I've joined back at the gym and was there yesterday. Just going easy on the treadmill (1 min jog, 2 min walk) for now. I think today I will just walk for 20-30mins but put the incline up high as I want to tone up my legs especially.

Any advice or encouragement is greatly appreciated :)


  • drop_it_like_a_squat
    drop_it_like_a_squat Posts: 377 Member
    Hey you. :)

    Regarding the coffee: Has your doctor told you to stop the coffee because of your migraine? Because mine told me the exact opposite, since caffeine is supposed to widen the veins which improves blood circulation.

    It actually doesn't matter how often you eat; some say only eating a few times a day would provide weight loss cause of insulin levels, but hands down, all that matter is calories in vs calories out.
    Try to aim for local fruits since they're mostly cheaper. Check if there are any special offers in supermarkets nearby.

    I know you read that all over the community on MFP, but I REALLY suggest you to incorporate strength training. It will help you keep your lean body mass while losing weight, so you're more likely to burn FAT, which I think you are intending. A good mix of strength training and cardio would be perfect.
  • eresin
    eresin Posts: 104 Member
    The doc never told me to no. I've had migraines since I was a child and have tried many many medications which do no good. I've just tried to cut various things out of my diet at one time or another and this time it was caffeines turn. I've spent so many year just trying different things. The headaches when I stopped were the worst, but i'm over them now. I can have the odd can of cola (really only once every 2 weeks) and it doesn't affect me. headaches don't seem to have improved, but since I lost the weight I decided to keep off it.
    Decaf tea and peppermint tea for me now.

    I have a bit of a dodgy shoulder so I've been hesitant to do any strength training. I've never really done any strength training in my life, what would you suggest for a beginner? (seriously upper body strength of a kitten here)
  • kerricus
    kerricus Posts: 165 Member
    Have you been tested for hypoglycemia? Hypoglycemia is when your blood sugar gets too low (the opposite of diabetes). A symptom I get is a horrible headache. This usually happens if I eat simple foods, like white bread, candy, ice cream, and fruit. I regulate my blood sugar just by eating high protein, high fiber. Easy and healthy.

    You might also look into sulfates. I get the WORST migraines from sulfates. Sulfates are in a lot of things, from MSG, to most alcohols, to your shampoo. A quick google search will give you lots of information. It's a pretty easy intolerance to figure out.

    As for weight training, I would highly recommend getting a person trainer, even if just for one session. S/he can make sure you use good form so that you don't hurt your shoulder.

    If you can't afford a trainer, then just start with really light weights (less than 5lbs). Go slow and work up. Strength training could be really good for your shoulder in the long run.
  • drop_it_like_a_squat
    drop_it_like_a_squat Posts: 377 Member
    I have a bit of a dodgy shoulder so I've been hesitant to do any strength training. I've never really done any strength training in my life, what would you suggest for a beginner? (seriously upper body strength of a kitten here)

    There are a lot of programmes for beginners in weight lifting such as 5x5, stronglifts or New Rules of Lifting for Women.
    Just try out what your shoulder lets you do w/o pain. :)