which plays bigger role? Food or exercise?



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Before anyone jumps on me i know that they both play a huge part in losing weight and getting fit and toned.

    However, im interested in which plays the bigger part, exercise or food.

    Im not a 100% clean eater, i try to eat clean as much as possible but its not possible being a single mum, a business student and working part time haha.

    I fit in around 1hrs of exercise a day, although i am looking to fit in some more. More strength training as apposed to cardio

    So yeah back to the original question, what percentage would you say food and exercise play in getting a great body?

    Diet for weight loss/fat loss...exercise for fitness and being "toned"
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Using food/exercise ratio, I believe it is 50/50 or perhaps even 40/60 since you asked about losing weight and getting fit and toned. Diet alone will not get you fit and toned.

    Although individual needs vary, regular exercise that includes some moderate to vigorous activity is likely to have the bigger impact on overall health and fitness for most people.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    It isn't one over the other becuase there comes a point you can't exercise enough to burn off all the calories, but you also can't eat yourself to fitness. I would put a greater focus on cardio and strength training personally, and just manage protion control in eating without too much focus on what you eat. But I think each person needs to find thte blend that works for them.