Weight loss pill ?

Hi.. has anybody ever consumed diet pills ?? If you have.. I hope you can share your experience.. thanks.. :)


  • tweetyjf
    tweetyjf Posts: 48 Member
    if a good one excisted oprah winfrey would have claimed it by now.
    usually they either jack up your heart rate. make you go to the bathroom all the time etc. etc.
    and you will lose your money instead of weight...
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    I took meridia under a doctors rx for 17 months ending five years ago, April 15th.

    I lost 121 lbs and was the darling of the medical practice....until:

    I had to have my gallbladder out
    I was hypertensive (since it is a Phen drug)
    I was addicted to Xanax for sleep
    I had heart palpitations
    My endocrine system crashed
    I somehow developed a false pregnancy from my hormones being shot.
    Miscarried, hemorrhaged and nearly died in my bed
    Had to have a D&C with E.
    Developed a HUGE ovarian cyst, which required hormone therapy

    And regained it all at the rate of about 10-15 lbs a month

    Other than that .....

    Forget diet pills. I'm lucky I didn't permanently damage my heart. I'm lucky to be alive.
  • LvlyLars
    LvlyLars Posts: 18 Member
    I've taken quite a few brands; always thinking that's going to be the fix I need. In college I was taking pills and couldn't sleep b/c my heart was racing so fast, I thought it was going to pop out of my chest. So I've tried different varieties and none had had that effect like the ones I took in college but they still didn't work. I didn't feel they helped me with appetite suppression; they're just caffeine. And if I happened to lose a couple pounds, I gained it right back after a week or so of being used to the pills.

    Don't believe all that you read in reviews, trust me!!! Those reviews you'll read on their website or on Amazon, in most cases (the good ones anyway) are written by employees of the pill. In most cases you can tell b/c of how it's written and they'll try to misspell a word here and there as their way of sounding less scripted.
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member

    Don't believe all that you read in reviews, trust me!!! Those reviews you'll read on their website or on Amazon, in most cases (the good ones anyway) are written by employees of the pill. In most cases you can tell b/c of how it's written and they'll try to misspell a word here and there as their way of sounding less scripted.

    Or they are written by the multi-level marketing representatives who have decided to make selling the pill (or shakes, cleanse, supplements, etc.) their new job.

    And if YOU sell to three people, your next month is FREE!

  • carolmcgov
    carolmcgov Posts: 175 Member
    I took meridia under a doctors rx for 17 months ending five years ago, April 15th.

    I lost 121 lbs and was the darling of the medical practice....until:

    I had to have my gallbladder out
    I was hypertensive (since it is a Phen drug)
    I was addicted to Xanax for sleep
    I had heart palpitations
    My endocrine system crashed
    I somehow developed a false pregnancy from my hormones being shot.
    Miscarried, hemorrhaged and nearly died in my bed
    Had to have a D&C with E.
    Developed a HUGE ovarian cyst, which required hormone therapy

    And regained it all at the rate of about 10-15 lbs a month

    Other than that .....

    Forget diet pills. I'm lucky I didn't permanently damage my heart. I'm lucky to be alive.

    Wow! you've been through it all! If that doesn't turn anyone away from diet pills I don't know what will!
  • delonda1
    delonda1 Posts: 525 Member
    depends..some work, some dont

    people are honestly ANTI-PILL but they do work when you are exercising and eating right and still nothing is working..it helps kickstart.

    i've used them and they do help...but usually i do one cycle when beginning to cut
  • SenseiCole
    SenseiCole Posts: 429 Member
    someone said this to me once

    "If you didn't need a pill to get fat, why would you need one to get unfat?"
  • I have had EXCELENT progress with the Diet pill I have been on over the last few months and it has worked wonders. Lost weight and changed my body to be lean muscle

    Brand Name : Kick your *kitten* off the couch

    Directions: Eat a heatly quantity of healty foon x regularly ..... Results are better if done daily for every meal

    Enforce regular Exercise (Weight Resitant Training Perfered)

    The Results can be mind blowing if this product is used correctly ... No known side affects except feeling good about yourself !
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    I took meridia under a doctors rx for 17 months ending five years ago, April 15th.

    I lost 121 lbs and was the darling of the medical practice....until:

    I had to have my gallbladder out
    I was hypertensive (since it is a Phen drug)
    I was addicted to Xanax for sleep
    I had heart palpitations
    My endocrine system crashed
    I somehow developed a false pregnancy from my hormones being shot.
    Miscarried, hemorrhaged and nearly died in my bed
    Had to have a D&C with E.
    Developed a HUGE ovarian cyst, which required hormone therapy

    And regained it all at the rate of about 10-15 lbs a month

    Other than that .....

    Forget diet pills. I'm lucky I didn't permanently damage my heart. I'm lucky to be alive.
    Thank you for this! Eye-opening.
  • drop_it_like_a_squat
    drop_it_like_a_squat Posts: 377 Member
    Just NO.
  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member
    I took meridia under a doctors rx for 17 months ending five years ago, April 15th.

    I lost 121 lbs and was the darling of the medical practice....until:

    I had to have my gallbladder out
    I was hypertensive (since it is a Phen drug)
    I was addicted to Xanax for sleep
    I had heart palpitations
    My endocrine system crashed
    I somehow developed a false pregnancy from my hormones being shot.
    Miscarried, hemorrhaged and nearly died in my bed
    Had to have a D&C with E.
    Developed a HUGE ovarian cyst, which required hormone therapy

    And regained it all at the rate of about 10-15 lbs a month

    Other than that .....

    Forget diet pills. I'm lucky I didn't permanently damage my heart. I'm lucky to be alive.

    Thank you for sharing this. I wish you a complete recovery. Your experience should be "required" reading for all Newbies at MFP. Unfortunately, there is always somebody who wants to waste their hard earned money on illusions. Such is life.
    Good luck on your journey
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    repeat after me ...eat in a deficit and exercise, eat in a deficit and exercise, eat in a deficit and exercise....
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    repeat after me ...eat in a deficit and exercise, eat in a deficit and exercise, eat in a deficit and exercise....

    QFT. Plus, if there was a pill out there that really worked - this place would be an empty parking lot.
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    Nope and never will.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    depends..some work, some dont

    people are honestly ANTI-PILL but they do work when you are exercising and eating right and still nothing is working..it helps kickstart.

    i've used them and they do help...but usually i do one cycle when beginning to cut

    No, the exercising and eating right worked..the pill was just a waste of money...
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    I worry about the trend toward stomach altering, too. I won't do it, but so many people are and I just know that it's not going to go down in history as a medical win.

  • I agree with tweetyf. I did once and I had a rapid heart beat. NEVER rely on diet pills. It is better to lose weight slowly, if you lose weight too quickly, you are liable to put it on again, plus more.

    Hope this helps!
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    There is no short cut, no quick fix which doesn't have a down side.

    Eat less + move more = sustainable weightloss
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    I would have been better off lighting the money on fire. There is no magic cure.
  • someone said this to me once

    "If you didn't need a pill to get fat, why would you need one to get unfat?"

    You didn't need a wrench to break your car, but you might need one to unbreak it.

    Diet pills are tools, and if nothing else is working, it can help. However, one has to learn how to eat properly, because your appetite WILL COME BACK when you stop taking the pills. If you go back to old eating habits, which is exceedingly easy, you will gain the weight back, too.