Broad Broad here

Hi Everyone,
Thanks for being a place to call 'home' as I start my journey! Most of my pants are tight and I don't just have a muffin top I have like 8 loaves of bread overtop my pants. I live in a small, isolated northern community and that means getting clothing that fits is costly and takes forever to make it in so I can wear it. I like pretty, fitting clothes but these days I am REFUSING to allow myself another size up and so it's 'wake up' time and I am taking action.

I've been pretty successful in most other aspects of my life but weight has always been a struggle. I get focused and lose 60-70lbs and keep it off for a year or so and then it all creeps back on. The last time, I lost about 90 lbs. I was pretty near my goal and then I just stopped, I don't know what the reasoning was, but I just stopped doing the healthy eating and exercising and just allowed myself to fill up with junk food and lay about the house. I think it was stress that made me turn to comforting myself with food. I am not going to make excuses. What's done is done. I am uncomfortable at this size. I have some health issues now from it which were never there before. High blood pressure being a main one. So, now, I do this not just because I don't want to 1/wear ill-fitting clothes and 2/ don't want to buy clothes in a size larger, but because I want to get my blood pressure under control and not have to take pills for it. I'm just 35 yrs old for heaven's sake.

I'll be checking out this site as the weeks and months go by and I know I will find advice and encouragement. I wish you all the best in your journeys and I look forward to being as successful as so many of you are in the near future and this time, keep the weight off for good!



  • mikkie1040
    mikkie1040 Posts: 15 Member
    I feel your pain. I'm sooo tired of being overweight and not being able to wear the kind of clothes I want to wear instead of constantly wearing oversized shirts to cover up my stomach and such. I also have a brother who recently had a Heart Attack at the age of 49 and I'm 48 and our father passed away at 50 from Heart Disease. Major wake-up call. I want to start living life again and I love the way I feel when I've exercised and got my blood pumping. I have two grown children and two grandchildren and I def. want to be around to watch them grow up. They need their grandma! Good luck with your journey:happy: