Gaining weight back

I've been doing this new lifestyle since January 7th and I've lost 23 lbs to date. Well, up until this week. It's the first time I've weighed myself and not lost anything and actually gained two pounds. I'm so upset by this. I figured as long as I was losing something - even 1/2 pound, I was happy. I'm no longer able to do the amount of exercise that I was doing ( change in my job ) and I'm sure that is contributing to this weight gain along with the fact that I've had a hard time sticking within my calorie allotment. I was so used to burning more calories and being able to eat them back. It's very upsetting. I know I have to amp up my exercise, even if it means getting up at 5:45am to squeeze it in, but that's just so hard to do sometimes when I also suffer from insomnia and want every extra minute to sleep that I can get! LOL I'm not giving up. I just know I'll have to change things around to get back on that roll of losing and was checking to see how many others have faced this dilema.


  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    A body can fluctuate several pounds in either direction a day. Water weight, sodium, where you place your scale, what clothes you're wearing, water retention from swollen muscles, hormones, constipation - all of that can contribute.

    Give it a few days, weigh again, and see where you stand there. It might be absolutely nothing.
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    If you can't exercise as before, then yes, you'll need to scale back your calories to compensate. Hopefully, you'll be able to figure it out and get yourself back in the groove again. Sounds like you have a handle on what you need to do, but it's the "doing" that's tough sometimes. You' re in a new job, so give yourself a break. Life happens. Hang in there, you'll get it sorted out!
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    Don't worry about a one week. It will drive you insane. And it is perfectly normal to lose a LOT when you first start out and then slow down. Don't make any dramatic changes until you are at the same weight for a month. This is not a race. I stalled for 7 months.

    Here's my data for the past 13 months. Notice the big spikes and dips? Open the aperture to months and the trends are clear. Blue is weight, red is weight lost.


    And now for the total data immersion experience. Again, lots of spikes and dips. Trends are clear.

  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    A body can fluctuate several pounds in either direction a day. Water weight, sodium, where you place your scale, what clothes you're wearing, water retention from swollen muscles, hormones, constipation - all of that can contribute.

    Give it a few days, weigh again, and see where you stand there. It might be absolutely nothing.

    This is very good advice. Also, I recommend that you put that scale away. I only weigh about once a month and it's really helped with the up and down that we as women experience regardless of how "good" we are.

    Eat healthy, exercise (lift if you really want to see great things) and dig deep for all the patience you have ever had in your life. I just finished my first year and have finally realized that this is for life. Not for 2 weeks, or two months, or two years. It's for life. Best of luck to you. When you get your head in the right place - your body will follow.