Grocery sales-why clear the entire shelf?

Inshape13 Posts: 680 Member
I must admit that I am on a budget and I like to shop the stores for sales and get good prices, but every time I go to the store to get something that is BOGO the whole shelf has been cleared by extreme couponers. It is petty to complain about this, but when I have to go several times to get the ONE item that I am looking for it makes me wonder what the heck people do with cart fulls of blocks of cheese or Lunchables or whatever it is that they need 25 of and why they find it cool to hoard it all for themselves. Get it together Publix and order more or limit how many people can hoard. Just a rant but wondering if this is anyone else's pet peeve?


  • rebbylicious
    rebbylicious Posts: 621 Member
    I haven't noticed it happen but it sounds annoying! Could you ask your local store to limit 10 for sale items so extremers can still get their "high" from hoarding but you can access the good deals?
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    My BF's sister is an extreme couponer. It is, for her, a form of hoarding. His whole family are hoarders. His family is just starting to see it as a problem - that she seems to derive a good deal of her self esteem from all of the things she can buy.

    What upsets me the most is the food, the baby items, the toiletries, that just sit and pile and sit and pile and eventually expire, while she won't give any of it away to her friends or charity.

    It's such a waste that it actually makes me angry. Thousands and thousands of dollars of stuff just sitting there, filling up already overflowing rooms (no joke, you can't shut the doors in nearly any room in their houses), just going to waste.

    Wouldn't be so bad if she gave some of it away. But nope, just piles and expires.

  • Inshape13
    Inshape13 Posts: 680 Member
    The store limits it to 10 items, but then they only order 1 case of the products which has maybe 12 in a case.....or.....if they order more than one case people come in and make more than 1 transaction different times because I asked the manager when they get in the truck and they are gone the same morning of and he says they just buy them out as early as possible. The store is only open 2 hours and then empty so I guess I will just have to try again or something.
  • Amazon_Who
    Amazon_Who Posts: 1,092 Member
    Depending on the store and the item you might be able to get a rain check. Wouldn't hurt to ask.
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    That is extra annoying. I have no idea what the hell people do with 657 boxes of Hamburger Helper and 876 bottles of shampoo. I do not 'get' massive stockpiling at all. I don't coupon because it's usually for junk but I do take advantage of BOGO sales if it's useful and.... womp womp. Bomb shelter people have already cleared the shelves.

    I am guilty of buying a LOT of meat if it's a great deal. I bought 10 packs of ground beef at once this week to put in the freezer. I did leave some, I feel weird clearing shelves.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    In the UK, there are laws to prevent that. Otherwise shops like Tesco would advertise an amazing deal, run out of stock on the amazing deal, and be left with a store full of slightly miffed shoppers... that still need to buy the rest of their shopping.