when will it hit me?



  • bubsnoble
    bubsnoble Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you all for your responses :) I look forward to receiving responses, help and what ever else we need from each other in the future :)
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Ha! I fight it every day too! You are not alone, by a long shot. Some people have incredible self control...this is not me.
    I try to drink water anytime I get the urge to graze. Some days I drink up to 16 cups of water. There will be ups and downs, each day you fall off, before you write the whole day off just get back on the horse and keep trying. Really.
  • paintlisapurple
    paintlisapurple Posts: 982 Member
    This is only my personal opinion. I have created a whole new lifestyle for myself. I eat a more healthy diet and keep track of my caloric intake making sure to keep it within my allotment. I drink on average, 10 glasses of water a day. I exercise (not just normal activity, but actual holy crap I'm sweating like a pig exercise) 5 to 6 times a week. The rest of the week I am active with my family. I refuse to deprive myself of goodies in the name of "dieting". If I did that, my lifestyle would not be very appealing to me and I'd probably just be set up for a huge fail. I am losing weight and loving my new life.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    There really is no need to cut all that stuff out. You need to figure out how to portion out the things you like so that you can make them work for you. Or you need to find substitutes that satisfy you in the same way. I'm not a real salty snack person anyway so the chips were easy to give up. Sugary stuff however was a harder challenge, but like I said, finding substitutes helped. Instead of cookies, I'd have a bag of those 100 cal snacks. Instead of an ice cream sundae, I get a cone from McD's (only 150 cal). Instead of snack cakes, for a long time I ordered those Vitamuffins (oh SO good).

    There are still a few things I refuse to give up. Pizza for instance...but even then I made some changes. I get veggie toppings instead of "supreme" or "loaded" and I only eat 3 or 4 pieces of a medium/small instead of half of a large pizza like I used to.
    For chocolate, I became a snob. I used to eat whatever I could get my hands on but now I only like the really good dark chocolate that's at least 70% cacoa.

    It also helped me to think about budgeting my calories like I budget my money. Is it "worth it" to spend calories on junk when I could have twice as much food if I went with something healthy? Is it worth it to eat 400 calories of cookies that'll leave me hungry later when I can have a cup of yummy greek yogurt that'll be half that much in calories? I don't want to waste my calories anymore than I want to waste my money.

    As far as the boredom eating goes...it's as simple as catching yourself in the act and finding something else to do. Get off your butt and clean or go for a walk or if you must sit, play games on the computer or read a book. Don't ever sit down on the couch in front of the TV with a big bag of food. Portion it out as soon as you get it home from the store and if you want some, just grab a snack bag.

    Be mindful of everything you do and you can make the changes!! Good luck!
  • jjlayden
    jjlayden Posts: 3
    If you are having trouble weaning off chips, it's likely the crunch and intense flavor that you are addicted to, so much research goes into making foods as addictive as possible, they find the right combination of intensity, sugar and sodium to make your brain crave more. Too bad they didn't put that focus into making healthy foods more appealing and tasty (i love the taste of healthy foods, but this is why most people don't).

    I switched over to baked rice crakers, you can get some good flavours and nowhere near the amount of hollow/bad calories.
  • caitlyn012284
    caitlyn012284 Posts: 23 Member
    I just had a moment when I decided to stop dieting and start living my life differently. I changed my outlook completely. I am a snacker to the core so I started finding healthier versions of the snacks I loved and as I continue it's easier to pass up on the chip isle in the store. I have loved the Special K items, they make chips, even in single servings for like 110 calories so now, I treat myself to those and obviously include them in my count and I don't feel super guilty, but still have my craving satisfied. Good Luck. It's tough to start but once you get over the intial 'shock' of it all, it gets easier I find...
  • ihammen
    ihammen Posts: 55 Member
    I tell myself that I want to be thin more than I want that piece of cake or whatever. I have been craving a piece of carrot cake with cream cheese icing for 4 months now. But I haven't caved in yet. My husband wanted some apple pie, so one night after a movie, we went to Perkins for a slice of pie, so we wouldn't have the rest around to finish later. But so far that works for me. We decided if we want something bad enough, we will just get one slice of whatever it is at a restaurant or at the grocery.
  • His_Buttercup2015
    His_Buttercup2015 Posts: 114 Member
    Ha! I fight it every day too! You are not alone, by a long shot. Some people have incredible self control...this is not me.
    I try to drink water anytime I get the urge to graze. Some days I drink up to 16 cups of water. There will be ups and downs, each day you fall off, before you write the whole day off just get back on the horse and keep trying. Really.

    ^this :)
    I'm sure you're tired of hearing 'you gotta want it!' BUT it is helpful to have a reason to get healthy. Could be as simple as just climbing stairs without feeling like you're going to pass out. Something for you to look forward to doing so you have a good legitimate push to lose weight and not over do the snacks. I used to drink a 24oz of mountain dew every day. I switched to black cherry carbonated water for my fizz fix. I still have a dew though, you don't have to completely give up your soda, really :).
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    How about doing things differently this time and NOT dieting?

    If you say you can, you're right! If you say you can't, you're still right! You're only as good as the limitations in your mind allow you to be!

    Sending FR now :)
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I really dont want to get rid of snack foods, I buy those baked chips in small bags, comes with cheetos,chips,pretzels, doritos, etc. and do just fine. Same with 100 count nuts. If I buy small packages I am ok, give me big bag and I wont put it down so I dont do this. I like diet drinks and green tea.