What/when was your turning point ?

jzs20 Posts: 58 Member
Buying 3 X shirts for the very 1st time pretty much scarred me... i was so god damned bummed out about letting myself go.
the shirt fit but i didn't feel comfortable... I didn't feel comfortable in my own skin.


  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Last year (2012) I resolved to lose weight. On January 1st my buddy had tickets to the Patriots given to him and we went. The seats were in the 400 section of Gilette Stadium, high enough up to touch the moon.

    Walking up to our seats, up ramps not stairs, made me feel like I was going to die, we had to keep stopping to catch my breath and make the stitch in my side go away. We missed kickoff because of me.


    Last July they had a 10k in Foxboro that ended with you coming out of the giant inflatable Patriots helmet and going across the 50 yard line. It was my first race and I loved it.

    This year the last 2 miles or so of the 10k will be in the stadium running up and down those ramps, I cannot friggin wait because I will KILL those ramps and they will not defeat me.

    Ramps kicking my *kitten* was my breaking point. NEVER EVER AGAIN
  • hmarch77
    hmarch77 Posts: 26 Member
    It was the end of December 2011 when my size 26 pants were getting tight. I had gone to Cato's to try on some clothes and the biggest size they had in the store was a 26/28. I had reached the biggest weight ever. I was depressed, had a bad attitude, hated everyone and everything around me. Then I told myself enough is enough and decided to begin my weight loss journey Jan. 1, 2012 and still keep going. I look back at old pictures of myself and just can't believe I became that person I was. Never again do I want to go back there.
  • Capt_Inzane
    Capt_Inzane Posts: 733 Member
    I've fallen off the wagon so many times I'm not really sure what would be my answer I have a ton to choose from.

    Death of my father due to complications of being fat.
    My mom battling weight her entire life losing 150-200 lbs and gaining 300 back and watching her descent into where she couldn't even take care of herself.
    My children being born and wanting to be able to spend more time with them

    I'm not sure exactly what has sparked a fire in me this time but I take everything in my 29 years of life and even though some of those years I was within my weight target range I've decided I want a better life and taking care of myself is the start.
  • Seraphemz
    Seraphemz Posts: 84 Member
    Almost getting to 300lbs.. that was scary.
  • worldsbestauntie
    worldsbestauntie Posts: 280 Member
    When I realized that I could no longer use the excuse that the dryer shrunk my clothes and that's why things were feeling tighter and not really fitting. Since I can't afford to buy new clothes, I need to get that weight off so things fit again! (It's easier to take things in then to take them out!)
  • salcha76
    salcha76 Posts: 287 Member
    Being 5'3", 326lbs...eating 4 servings of chips & 2 swiss cake rolls for my 11pm snack before bed, I started crying & decided I'm done. I had bone spurs in my heels and could only wear sneakers....busting out of a size 28....ugh....never again. I keep my ymca membership card hanging from my rear view mirror & look at my fat face and and chin like honey boo boo's mom....yuck. Nope...never again.
  • becka9266
    becka9266 Posts: 16 Member
    I woke up one day and realized I was 15 years younger than when my mother died. I hadn't really done the math, but the thought of only having 15 years left terrified me. Even typing it terrifies me. My mother didn't die of a weight related issue, a shockingly fast type of cancer, but I had a "I'm a dumbass" type moment.

    My being overweight doesn't help my odds of living longer than 15 years. I knew this but I didn't *know* this until I did the math.

    And there is still so much to do with my life.

    If I only get 15 years or less, how am I going to fit it all in?

    So here I am...hoping for 15+ :)