Brief Intro

Hello everyone!

I'm so excited about this new journey! I am a 31 year-old mom looking forward to meeting new people and getting in the best shape of my life!


  • Hi! I started back here (2nd attempt) on Sunday, feel free to add me! :)
  • grizziegriz
    grizziegriz Posts: 281 Member
    Hi and Welcome ~
    I'm a mother of 2 little ones and know how busy they can keep you.
    I'm looking to be in the best shape that I can be. Also looking to be a good healthy role model for my girls.
    You can add me as a friend if you like.
  • I am also new to this!! I am a 22 year old mother of two beautiful children and a wife to an amazing man who serves in the Navy. Hoping to lose around 62 pounds :) feel free to add me :)
  • nikiv17
    nikiv17 Posts: 1
    Hello! I'm new here to mfp ... I've lost a total of 17 pounds but want to loose another 20 atleast. I have not noticed a difference in my appearance, or clothes feeling looser. I am the same as most of you women... I'm a 30 year old mom of 4, my life is crazy busy, (running my kids here and there and all four of them in sports) but I don't have much me time. I gained approx 35 pounds in 2 years .. crazy huh.. I don't exactly know how, but have found myself with all this xtra fat and I feel disgusted! I want to be healthy not just for me but for my husband and our babies! I know there has to be other women out there that misses catching their hubbys eye witha lil walk by, feeling ssexy! I want to feel sexy again! I want to have my hubby all over me instead of freaking out on him for trying to cuddle with me and touching my fat rolls :(
    Sad but true! I've been dieting for a few weeks now but with this app I measured myself for the first time... I'm looking forward to watching these numbers go down! Anyone have any quick but effective workouts legs/tummy please please please share!
  • pamla77
    pamla77 Posts: 36 Member
    welcome! feel free to add me! :)
  • ohtoy1987
    ohtoy1987 Posts: 2
    hi im a mother of 2. my youngest is 8 months and im trying to get rid of the weight i gain during pregnancy. i was diabetic in pregnancy went from a size 12 to a 16:sad: feel free to add me so we can give each other some motivation:bigsmile: