
MegKat Posts: 23 Member
I am wondering if their is anybody out there who practices yoga on a semi-regular basis? I thought it would be nice to discuss new poses we have discovered as well as the philosophies and ideas that come along with practice. I am about 2 months into practicing at least 5 times a week, and I'm completely hooked! So if your out there say hello!


  • veganmommy04
    i would really like to learn more about yoga.. i have a few dvds, and i do them occasionally. its nice, calming, stretching and some of the moves feel like surely they are strenghening something lol. but i just kinda feel like in order to properly learn and perform yoga i need to take a class w a real live instructor, but sadly there aren't any close to me. i live in arkansas :( but i'd be happy for you to add me as a friend and you can tell me what you know about yoga:) if your interested just send me a request.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :flowerforyou: I'm fairly new to yoga.....I have two Rodney Yee DVDs that I do a few times a week. I'd love to learn more
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    The only Yoga I have actually done is Yoga X from P90X and it may have taken me a while to get the hang of it, but I tell you it is the most amazing feeling when I am done. I am looking into getting Fountain of Youth from Tony Horton's One on One. I have heard rave reviews for it. Tony believes that is more important than any other exercise out there and now that I can feel what he is talking about, I agree.

    I would also love to hear what other people use and how they are getting the most out of yoga. It is very calming and stretching. :bigsmile:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    I've been practicing yoga for 10 years and teaching for 4. I'm always interested in new takes on the poses or poses I've never tried. Currently, I do yoga 5-7x a week (though I didn't for most of those 10 years :happy: )
  • MegKat
    MegKat Posts: 23 Member
    Wooo! Thanks for the response everyone! The only yoga video I have done is p90x, and its a long sweaty one, but I do enjoy it. How are the Rodney Yee videos Barbiecat?

    Mary, awesome inversion, I have am terrified of inversions, and still have to use the wall. I am working on it, but my body does not trust itself yet, working on that!

    Today my doctor came to my yoga class, she has a missing disk in her lower back and for the first time in years she was able to lay flat on the floor, yoga is some pretty remarkable stuff!
  • stephflo33
    stephflo33 Posts: 160 Member
    I'm new to yoga as well, but it is by far my favorite form of exercise. I will be checking back for poses and tips!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :drinker: :flowerforyou: The Rodney Yee DVDs that I have are more beginner workouts which is perfect because I am a beginner to yoga.......One of them is called "Yoga for Beginners" and has pose training and two 20 minute workouts that are easy enough for me to do The other is called "A.M. Yoga for your week and has five 20-25 minute workouts that feature different sorts of poses (standing, twisting, forward bends, back bends, hip openers). The poses seem more difficult but the package says that they are simple enough for beginners......some of the poses were hard for me because I'm not very flexible yet. each of them has some choices of narrative (more or less detail). My experience with yoga is very limited so I have nothing to compare this to except a class I went to three times at the senior center and a book I read.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member

    This is the link to a great article I read in a magazine about a woman whose life was falling apart and someone suggested that she try 60 days in a row of hot yoga........the yoga looks too intense for me but I highly recommend reading the article.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Rodney Yee is my favorite video yoga. I think any yoga program you did for 60 days would work just as well. :bigsmile:
  • adrienc
    adrienc Posts: 57
    Rodney Yee videos are indeed the best. I learned a lot though them.
    Has any of you try Kundalini Yoga? I've been told the spiritual awareness you got through it is truly amazing..!