not too new, but intro anyway

my name is aubree and i'm a mom of 2 (an almost 4 yr old boy and an almost 1 yr old girl). i've been using the site for 85 days (actually the app, it's amazing!) and have had success with it so far! more than anything, i feel like i'm being held accountable for what i eat, and i guess that's what i needed! i also realized how MUCH i was eating before, and i'm really doing better with that too. now if ooonly i could start exercising more...

one thing at a time!

my struggle is baby weight. i'm working on it, but since my youngest child is almost one so i feel like i should look how i want to... it's a struggle, but this site is helping me get there!


  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Yes this sight is awesome...and it deffiantely allows you to see just how much we use to overeat.....Welcome

    You will learn something new everyday

    Even if you can only get 30 minutes of workout in for atleast 3 times a week....that would be great

    Goodluck on your journey
  • deckerp
    deckerp Posts: 4,365 Member
    I hope you'll find that the workouts will snow ball for you. You can start out slowly and build up to longer workouts and more workouts. It's worked that way for me.

    Welcome and good luck.