How to control yourself around party food?

Hey, I've been on MyFitnessPal for nearly 4 weeks now and it's been pretty good. I'm not eating really clean, but I've cut out a lot of junk and stick to 1200 calories a day which is fine. However, today there was quite a lot of junk around so I ended up eating a packet of crisps and two mini rolls. I know it's not that bad as I'm only about 100 calories over for today, and I was under my calorie goal yesterday so it evens out, but I just feel icky and disappointed with myself and bloated.

I just can't seem to control myself when there's lots of junk around and free to take. I didn't even want to eat the junk. I haven't been craving it at all, and I didn't miss it. I just ate it because it was there. Any tips on how to avoid this? Just cut it out completely?


  • Hey! I've been having to avoid party food for a few years now, as I have Celiac disease so I am learning ways to prevent me from craving different things. If there is a fruit or veggie tray, be sure to load up on them! I sometimes will have something in my purse just in case there is nothing I can eat, sometimes a GF protein bar, some fruit, etc. so I'm not hungry and filling up on junk food. Also, if they have water at the party, have some of it - it'll make you feel more full! And worse case scenario, sneak a bite or two ... it won't kill you!
  • ozigal
    ozigal Posts: 173 Member
    Nope... don't cut it out completely because there are times that you might want that stuff.

    Short and sweet of it is that if you want it, have some BUT have it in moderation and make sure it fits into your daily calorie allowance. If you don't there is a chance that you may end up bingeing. At least learning moderation means that this is something that you will be able to sustain once you have reached your goal weight.

    Other people probably have different views but this is what I've done and it works for me. I don't disallow myself anything.
  • noobletmcnugget
    noobletmcnugget Posts: 518 Member
    Thanks for the help guys! I guess moderation is key - just gotta try to exercise more self-control!
  • barnzey901
    barnzey901 Posts: 33 Member
    Hey, I've been on MyFitnessPal for nearly 4 weeks now and it's been pretty good. I'm not eating really clean, but I've cut out a lot of junk and stick to 1200 calories a day which is fine. However, today there was quite a lot of junk around so I ended up eating a packet of crisps and two mini rolls. I know it's not that bad as I'm only about 100 calories over for today, and I was under my calorie goal yesterday so it evens out, but I just feel icky and disappointed with myself and bloated.

    I just can't seem to control myself when there's lots of junk around and free to take. I didn't even want to eat the junk. I haven't been craving it at all, and I didn't miss it. I just ate it because it was there. Any tips on how to avoid this? Just cut it out completely?

    Self control and will power

    What do you want more, the body you've dreamed of for years or the food thats going to last seconds and you are probably gonna regret eating!

    Eat clean but allow yourself to have cheat meals
  • tptouchdown
    tptouchdown Posts: 30 Member
    Listen, let's be realistic we are never going to be 100% perfect. Allow yourself some room to error. It is good that you realize that you didn't need that extra 100 calories. But forget about it the next day and continue with your good habits. Worse thing you can do is to feel you need to starve yourself to make up for a bad day. Just move on and realize that you will have days that you will eat more than you should. Since you realized it, you probably won't make a habit out of it. But if you feel you need to deprive yourself it will be hard for you to make this a life choice..... not just another 4 week diet.