Weight Restoration -ED recovery

I am a 20 year old 5'8 female, I am currently 122lbs. My treatment team wants me around 127-135. I feel this is too high but I also know that I'm not happy at any weight because of my distorted perceptions. I wouldn't say another woman at 5'8 and 130lbs was fat but I feel I would look fat. My lowest weight was 94lbs and I thought I was fat...

I would like some honest opinions about this, what weight is good for a 5'8 woman??


  • Scandinavia
    Scandinavia Posts: 291 Member
    I'm a teenager, 5'7.5-5'8 and 125 , also recovering from anorexia. People think I look much too thin as well, if that helps you know you aren't alone. I am supposed to be around 130 but I know when I was inpatient, with a different treatment team, they wanted me at 140.
  • taliahale
    taliahale Posts: 5
    Yes!!! When I was ip they said 140 as well and my team now said thAt initially but I said hell no (though I know logically its the recommended ideal weight for our height.)

    Well I am glad to hear that I am not alone but I'm sad to hear that you know the pain of the ED.

    How are you doing with recovery?
  • Mona2393
    Mona2393 Posts: 1
    I am in the same position as well but i have only just started getting help and havent started gaining weight yet i am wondering when you started putting the weight back on what sort of calorie amounts were you eating as in your TDEE or above that, i am really confused because i guess my body wouldt need as much as my TDEE says because my metabolism would be slower!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    At an inch taller and 5 years older, I weigh 150 and I don't look fat at all.

    I've toyed with getting down to 140, but nothing further.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I don't have any experience with the type of ED you have to deal with - so that being said, I was thinking that if you weight train you can gain the weight and your muscles will help you stay looking slim. Perhaps weight training is something you should look into? Then, you can gain weight and not really look like you did, but you would be healthy...

    Like I said, I don't know about what you are dealing with but I am glad you are dealing with it!