Felling a slip comonig on

Sometimes I really feel like saying to heck with it. I mean, Ive lost over 160 lbs in a little less thaen a year. I have been very good about logging,counting,going to the gym,ect..ect...ect..But today, man i really just wanna sit back, have a beer, eat pizza, and not worry about it for an evening. Sorry for the rant, but man, something about today , hell, this whole week, that makes me wanna just let loose. I dont want to be one of those people that say crap like " i deserve it" nor do i want to say, "its just a day". I made a life changing choice on June 10 2012, and have been very dedicated, almost ocd like. But temptation seems to be getting the better of me tonight. What do you all do when you get like this? Because I know I'm not the only one that has gotten to this point. MFP has been great for me, but at the same time, everyone has a breaking point. Im just worrried my time is coming.


  • flitabout
    flitabout Posts: 200 Member
    That wouldn't be giving up. A cheat day once in a while is ok. If you do it just have 1 or 2 pieces and just 1 beer. Food is not your enemey. Just remember to do it thoughtfully. Really think about each bite. and you may find that it just doesn't taste as good as it used to.
  • vixtris
    vixtris Posts: 688 Member
    then do it? whats one day? you would literally need to consume like, 3500 cals (im assuming) over your maintenance calories intake to gain a pound. which i doubt that would happen anyways.

    besides, if you let the temptation inside you grow more, you could end up consuming even more than you are dreaming of now. its better to take that day now than to wait until later and regret it.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    just don't go over board maybe do it on a workout day to help take away some of the guilt?
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,936 Member
    Try eating at maintenance for a while. Sometimes, you just need a break.
  • Shetchncn1
    Shetchncn1 Posts: 260 Member
    So cheat today or plan it for the weekend. Workout extra before and drink extra water and ENJOY your day. Then drink more water the next day. Bet you won't even notice anything except your taste buds doing a dance!. This is a new lifestyle true? Well no one or anything is perfect all the time. Cut yourself some slack or you might just start resenting your new lifestyle and quit and then go back to your old ways gain weight and be back doing the same thing all over again.
  • Dulcemami4ever
    Dulcemami4ever Posts: 344 Member
    I give you a lot of credit! But you can have a cheat meal and enjoy yourself and not ruin your diet. I have one cheat meal a week and I have not ruined my diet once. AND if you are not happy with having a cheat meal, save your calories and go have a combo some place. Usually the calories are less than 1200...so you wont feel too bad lol. As long as you dont go on a three day craze you'll be just fine :)
  • marygee1951
    marygee1951 Posts: 148 Member
    Don't let it happen - unlss it's planned ahead. I "slipped" about a week and a half ago...and I'm still not back on track. I'm disgusted with myself. I was doing great - now I feel like cr*p. This morning I told myself this was the day I was going to make it through to the end without going over. I was fine until about 45 minutes ago - I was going to have a dish of sugar-free jello with lite cool whip - which I had planned for and already had it entered in my diary. Went to the fridge and it was gone. I ended up having about 15 sweet/sour gummy worns. Don't even like them, but I ate them anyway. Damn. It put me over - not way over, but enough to make me feel like a failure. I was doing so good...........
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Oh my goodness have you been saying no to beer and pizza all this time? I admire your willpower but it's really unnecessary. Just make sure they fit into your daily calories and don't make an everyday habit of it. Take it easy on yourself. And congrats on your amazing loss so far!
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    Part of the learning new habits is to also realize that just because you have something previously "forbidden" when you were doing the hard work doesn't mean you "failed". It means you're human and at times those cravings will come up...but your real strength is in knowing that you can feeding those cravings so you can get them behind you and it is the smarter way to go. Give yourself a break...and realize that you probably won't eat as much pizza or drink as much beer as you did previously. A smaller amount will most likely satisfy you and then you can move on without guilt.
  • garciabnm
    garciabnm Posts: 138
    thanks for all the input. You guys and gals are amazing
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    What do I do? Sometimes I give in and sometimes I stay the course. Now I haven't lost nearly as much as you, my highest weight being 198 and it has taken me way longer (3 years) to get were I am but I rarely stress about the times I do "let go". As long as it's done in moderation and I get back to my better habits quickly, I don't feel bad about it. Is that how you'd handle it? Who knows, we all think and react differently but you won't know until you try once. If it kills your motivation, you know to fight the urge a little harder the next time. If you do it and then get back on the horse (so to speak), then maybe you can let yourself have a stress free eating day every once in a while.

    That said, great job so far and good luck in the future with whatever you choose to do.

    (also, badass shirt)
  • garciabnm
    garciabnm Posts: 138
    What do I do? Sometimes I give in and sometimes I stay the course. Now I haven't lost nearly as much as you, my highest weight being 198 and it has taken me way longer (3 years) to get were I am but I rarely stress about the times I do "let go". As long as it's done in moderation and I get back to my better habits quickly, I don't feel bad about it. Is that how you'd handle it? Who knows, we all think and react differently but you won't know until you try once. If it kills your motivation, you know to fight the urge a little harder the next time. If you do it and then get back on the horse (so to speak), then maybe you can let yourself have a stress free eating day every once in a while.

    That said, great job so far and good luck in the future with whatever you choose to do.

    (also, badass shirt)
    Love the ramones
  • garciabnm
    garciabnm Posts: 138
    the thing is, i wont go back to the "old" me. This is just something im dealing with atm. I've come too far to quit,and I love the "new"me. Im more confidant,outgoing,and way more energenic than i have ever been in my life. Im just having a tough week,lots of temptation going on,and like any addict,(food being mine), i'd be a fool to think id never slip up. Tomorrow starts a new day,early morning to gym will whip me back into gear. Thanks again all!

    btw, if any of you are looking for a new mfp friend, hit me up. im always looking for positive people to share with

    wow . I just read my topic headline, stupid smart phone. I guess that doesnt incude the user..lol :laugh:
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    Personally I'd say "to hell with it" and take a night off. Eat the pizza. Enjoy the beer.

    But that's because I know I could do that and not have it derail me long term.

    You have to work out what works for you. If you think it would be the start of a slippery slope back to where you came from then I guess you just tough it out... focus on all the awesome positives that are have happened and remind yourself it's worth it.
  • garciabnm
    garciabnm Posts: 138
    Try eating at maintenance for a while. Sometimes, you just need a break.
    ^^^^ win. This is a great idea