Need some encouragement

Love to chat and really need some help. Recently started this back up again but I can't do this alone. Feel free to add me, message me, and give me any tips that you would like. Thank ya!


  • i sent a friend request. im totally here for you! i have been here for over 500something days.. and im not going anywhere! im pretty much always around. best of luck on your journey. DONT GIVE UP. if you mess up its okay. everyone does.. but the next day starts a new fresh day with a clean slate.
  • mkkhoza
    mkkhoza Posts: 79
    Hey Ann,
    welcome are showing courage to step back into the journey and lifestyle of health. I would encourage you with the following:

    1. Keep a long view. With each good choice you are builiding a habit and over time a lifestyle but it is still one choice at a time.
    2. Don't get too overwhelmed trying to fix everything at the same time. Every good choice is a GOOD choice
    3. Write some goals down...break them down into bite sized pieces
    4. Get moving...excercise is a great motivation for making healthy food choices. I would encourage you, if you aren't already to incorporate strength training.

    Cheers to you!

    ps. feel free to Add me :)
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    what are your goals? What do you like to do? Where have you come from and where do you want to go?
    Ok that sounded a bit mythical.

    Add me if you like. Sometimes I really need help but I try to be helpful.
    My diary is open too :) I like eating...