How many carbs do you eat?



  • AmberleyAngel
    AmberleyAngel Posts: 160 Member
    Over the last few months I've worked up from 100g to 150g carbs. For me it's about the affect it has on blood sugar levels as well as weight loss. Today I've blown that with 170g because we're celebrating paying off two big bills this week. :) Yay!
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
  • facilitators1334
    About 90 to 115
    Don't trip out..I have diabetes
  • Minerva624
    Minerva624 Posts: 577 Member
    A LOT. Like almost 200 on any given day. I love me some carbs. :heart:
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    I try to eat more protein and fat and stay within my calorie allotment, which leaves carbs to be below 100g
  • SarahSmilesCA
    SarahSmilesCA Posts: 261 Member
    On cardio days my carbs are higher (about 125) and on my strength days my carbs are lower (under 100) and my fat is higher (around 70-80) protein is always the same...150-200, always more than anything else unless it is a re-feed day (cheat day)

    I have found this ensures performance in the gym and weight loss on the body...and I feel good...

    Unlike some one this board I do NOT think it is all about diet and calorie deficit. I think exercise and macro choice are just as important because they effect your metabolism in the long run and there are plenty of scientists and doctors out there who have shown this to be critical factors in weight loss, not just the grandfather of low carb Dr. Atkins (though I have a great deal of respect for his pioneering).

    It is not all about what you put INTO your is ALL about how much you burn per day and you will NEVER have an idea what that perfect number is because so many dynamics affect it. Furthermore a constant state of decifict WILL lower your metabolism in the long run and make it easier to gain the weight back. So exercise and macro choice are very important to weight loss because in the long run you want to KEEP it off, but still enjoy life (ie EAT FOOD)

    Some people on this board keep pushing calorie deficit like it is a miracle but what many fail to mention is no one knows for sure how many calories an individual needs to be in a deficit. No two people are a like, and many overweight people have metabolic resistance which means their body is surviving on less energy so the whole concept of BMR/TDEE/ and calorie deficit is a fickle science.

    Low carb does not just work because of calorie deficit. That is a complete and utter misnomer. It works because of depleting the glycogen in the liver and making the body turn to fat for energy.Intermittent fasting works basically for the same reasons. It is kinda like a short term low carb diet. Some people have even done this on 4500 calories a day, eating tons of fat. Calorie deficit? Not bloody likely. It is chemistry, not math that makes the weight loss.

    But not everyone thrives on a low carb. You have to find what works for you. I like low carb diets BUT I have thyroid issues so I have to have carbs to help my meds absorb. With that said I can not go over board. Some people can eat 200+ carbs a day and lose weight. I can't. Period, even in a so called "calorie deficit".
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    I eat around 350-400g :)
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    If you want to loose weight, cut out sugar and anything with sugar in it and white flour(wheat).

    Dr Atkins New Diet Revolution book says in the weight loosing phase, 90% of every meal should be protein and the other 10% of your meal should be dark/light green vegetables.

    lol wut? You mean durum wheat? and it's almost impossible to cut out all sugars.. Perhaps you should edit your post... It's refined sugars you should stay away from.

    and lose is spelled lose... Loose is when you've got a big shirt on, or your screw is loose..
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    Cut carbs to go into ketosis? Atkins died fat and from cardiovascular disease. This is bad advice...

    Not true. Atkins died from a head injury sustained from slipping and falling.

    At the same time, his diet is a really bad idea.

    I lost my first 40 eating plenty of carbs every day. Then I sort of got stuck at 16 or so % body fat. Now I am doing high carb days and low carb days, and I seem to be losing body fat again. I love ice cream, pasta, bread, fruit, and gnocchi. I also love being ale to eat all that cheese on low carb days.
  • SarahSmilesCA
    SarahSmilesCA Posts: 261 Member
    Cut carbs to go into ketosis? Atkins died fat and from cardiovascular disease. This is bad advice...

    No he did not that is a lie promoted by anti-low carb opponents. He died because he fell on ice and hit his head and went into coma and was over 70 freaking years old. He had a GENETIC heart defect that caused cardiovascular disease which he control by, guess WHAT...a low carb diet! He lived longer using his method than he would have otherwise, especially the low fat low calorie bs that was being pushed at the time.

    For crying out loud the man WAS a cardiologist! He knew how to control his heart issue and he taught others how to do it and had a very successful practice...the man is to be respect. His science was not perfect but no one is. New info comes out all the time and even he admitted that...

    Get educated on the subject...
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    Just wondering how many carbs people eat and if it effects your weight-loss negatively or positively?

    I just started eating 40% carbs, 35% protein and 25% fat. It seems to be working. I am satisfied with my weight loss. I read on here that eating about the same amount of protein as your lean body mass helps to preserve muscle. I am eating 160 grams of carbs now.

    I had been eating all the carbs I wanted for the last two months within my calories and I still lost fine.
  • steinsopp
    steinsopp Posts: 14 Member
    100-250 g, (averaging ~175 g). I'm losing weight at a decent rate, so it doesn't seem to be affecting anything one way or another.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    I ate very low carb for some months, which was definitely beneficial for me at that point. I am still eating what is considered a low carb diet, just not as low as I was then, as I think eating that way can be really rough on the body long term, and especially for women.

    If you don't have a proper medical directive from your doctor to restrict carbs, there isn't any reason to concern yourself with it. and eating low carb can actually be unhealthy for many people, leading to low thyroid function, amongst other things.

    If your doctor hasn't suggested you restrict carbohydrate, it seems best to keep your carbs to a moderate level. Instead of restricting carbs, perhaps examine the sources of carbohydrate in your diet and make sure you're getting most of the carbs from healthy sources. Fruits and veggies including potatoes and sweet potatoes, rice, etc. as opposed to processed foods.
  • helpfit101
    helpfit101 Posts: 347 Member
    I would advice nobody to use extremely low carb diets unless you understand about ketosis. Low carb diets can bring about a state known as ketosis. You should google ketosis and understand how ketogenic diets bring it about and why.

    Just stay with 40-40-20 or 40-30-30 or whatever.

    However, for sugar in particular it's best not to eat too much. I think the default from MFP is good.

    I think everyone should follow the default settings from this website and modify (slightly) from there unless they understand the consequences.
  • tonytoo
    tonytoo Posts: 307
    Under 50g a day. I've been in ketosis for over a month.
  • RickNeedzToGetShreaded
    RickNeedzToGetShreaded Posts: 293 Member
    Depends on how much excersize you do but I'd say 200g Carbs.
  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member
    I'm in maintenance and have my macro percentages set at 40% fat, 30% carbs and 30% protein. That equals 131 carbs a day. I'm transitioning to primal eating and Mark Sisson, the author of The Primal Blueprint, suggests 100-150 carbs a day for maintenance, so I'm right in the middle of that :)
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    less than 30g. That's carbs as per UK labels, which don't have what Americans call "fiber" included.