Ate too little, Now need to avoid YoYo (Help!)

I've spent about 4 months using MFP, and in that time I've gone from weighing 277 to 222 pounds (55 lbs).

Unfortunately, I think I may have done this the bad way. I eat 80-100 grams of protein, 20-35 grams of fat and about 100 grams of carbs everyday. I also exercise frequently (both cardio and strength) But for the past month or so I haven't been taking in more than 800-1200 calories a day. Now I'm afraid I have messed things up- because the scale hasn't moved in about 10 days. :frown:

Is there a way for me to fix this? If i immediately increase my diet to 1500 calories a day, will I now start to gain weight in the form of fat? How can I get my metabolism back on track?

Thanks for the help everyone.