


  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I know lots of people who smoke weed and their in shape. So nope, you dont gotta quit to lose weight,


    I don't disagree that you don't have to quit to lose weight, nor that being a pothead means you are lazy or a loser. But a guy like the OP, depressed, young, overweight, etc, needs to get his ducks in a row before partaking.
  • StarChanger
    StarChanger Posts: 605 Member
    Step 1. Stop smoking weed
    Step 2. Get your other problems sorted out and identify your priorities.
    Step 3. Make a plan and execute.

    What he said

  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Have fun with your gyno. Weed raises estrogen, bruh.

    she means b!tch tits... gynecomastia. Fatty tissue that develops under the breast, it doesn't go away with out surgery...

    Why are you smoking, for your depression issues??? OR just for the hell of it?

    If you're smoking just for hell of it, it's pretty idiotic in my opinion.

    Idiotic why?

    For me it's strictly cosmetic... They just look dumb... i mean they can barely keep their eyes open, laugh at the most idiotic crap, move in semi slow motion... have an idiotic grin on their face... just everything about it.

    Aha, gotcha. I agree that the type of stoner you see portrayed on TV and in movies leave a bit to be desired, but that isn't always the case. Except the idiotic grin and laughing at stupid things. That part is true. Awesomely true.
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I smoke to help alleviate depression, OCD and panic attacks. Not everyday but when I have some , yes. It can obviously affect your eating. As far as motivation just workout before you light up. Make it your lil reward for busting your *kitten*......then have breakfast! :)
  • blondie0942
    blondie0942 Posts: 146 Member
    I lost 35 pounds while being high on marijuana constantly. At first, I had a lot of trouble with the munchies and all but after I got my mindset into "it's time to lose weight" I feel that it actually made it easier for me to workout and eat right. since I zoned out so much while high I would find it easier to spend more time working out if I focused on the sensation of being high. Once I stopped smoking for other reasons though, I have had a really hard time staying on track with my fitness goals. 8 months after quitting, I'm still struggling with the last 15-20 pounds.

    You just have to put your mind in the right place, but it can definitely be done.
  • FunkyTobias
    FunkyTobias Posts: 1,776 Member
    I know lots of people who smoke weed and their in shape. So nope, you dont gotta quit to lose weight,

    Depends on how you define "in shape." If you personally define being in shape as "normal weight" then okay.
    For me, I picture someone with lower % of body fat around 12% to consider them semi in shape.

    I have seen people who smoke weed at normal weights, but currrently haven't seen someone with lower than average body fat levels do it.

  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I know lots of people who smoke weed and their in shape. So nope, you dont gotta quit to lose weight,

    Depends on how you define "in shape." If you personally define being in shape as "normal weight" then okay.
    For me, I picture someone with lower % of body fat around 12% to consider them semi in shape.

    I have seen people who smoke weed at normal weights, but currrently haven't seen someone with lower than average body fat levels do it.

    Young Arnold and Phelps.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I really don't think you can fairly say that marijuana ingestion prevents you from being at what you consider a healthy bodyfat %.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Weed is not the problem...your mental state is. You need to get to the root of that first.

    Yep. Agreed.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    If you read Arnolds auto biography he actually promotes smoking before lifting.
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    Gotta love living in Colorado:)
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Im finding it disturbing how many individuals use marijuana for mental health concerns (depression, anxiety, etc).

    Really, the pot is just a temporary "relief".

    I used to have panic attacks...so instead of picking up a joint, i read about panic attacks - learnt about what triggered the attacks...learnt to MANAGE the triggers and what to do when i feel I'm about to have an attack. I have not had one for 6 months now.

    Same with depression - instead of smoking to "temporarily fix" the problem, you could try researching depression. seek a counsellor, discover the root of the depression and deal with it!
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    I know lots of people who smoke weed and their in shape. So nope, you dont gotta quit to lose weight,

    Depends on how you define "in shape." If you personally define being in shape as "normal weight" then okay.
    For me, I picture someone with lower % of body fat around 12% to consider them semi in shape.

    I have seen people who smoke weed at normal weights, but currrently haven't seen someone with lower than average body fat levels do it.

    Go to Southern California.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    I know lots of people who smoke weed and their in shape. So nope, you dont gotta quit to lose weight,


    Now I want a joint and sit here and watch Harold & Kumar go to White Castle while eating sliders.
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Seriously a lot of misconceived notions about pot on here...but I'm staying the hell out of it (mostly).
    I'm not advocating that this individual keeps smoking (read my previous reply's if you like.)

    I will say for people who are like "Weed it's terrible! people can't achieve anything on weed" Things along these lines (Not exact wording but the same gist) just remember a lot of your favorite musicians,artists, comedians, actors, writers have been known to partake in the herb and then there is medicinal marijuana...but that is a whole other topic and potential flame war.

  • Candi_land
    Candi_land Posts: 1,311 Member
    Seriously a lot of misconceived notions about pot on here...but I'm staying the hell out of it (mostly).
    I'm not advocating that this individual keeps smoking (read my previous reply's if you like.)

    I will say for people who are like "Weed it's terrible! people can't achieve anything on weed" Things along these lines (Not exact wording but the same gist) just remember a lot of your favorite musicians,artists, comedians, actors, writers have been known to partake in the herb and then there is medicinal marijuana...but that is a whole other topic and potential flame war.


    ^^ Love. :smokin:
  • tessi1993
    tessi1993 Posts: 186 Member
    i dont want to get abussed by saying this...
    but every pot smoker i know has lost weight.. apperently it "fasens your matablism"

    i lost 20kg in under 4 months (insane i know) however i was also taking ridilan which ruined my appitite.

    last yr when i was smoking it got to the point here i wouldnt eat when i was stonded. that was not healthy.

    im not saying you should keep smoking, but i believe im in a very healthy state compared to what i was. i only smoke at night before bed. and only joints.
  • ellew70
    ellew70 Posts: 222 Member
    Part of the process of getting fit is making good decisions. Ask yourself honestly if you think you can make the good decisions and exercise the will power that you need to have on this journey if you are high daily. May the fact that you are high daily is in fact evidence that you can't make good health decisions? At that point, you need to decide what is most important for you.

    I'm not gonna touch the mental health or legality or morality issues with a ten foot pole.
  • PinkSuede
    PinkSuede Posts: 49 Member
    It depends on the individual. I smoked weed when I was younger. It made me depressed. I gained a LOT of weight... we're talkin 80 lbs of my weight was put on just during the time I smoked weed. Every attempt I made at healthy eating failed. I had no motivation. My cousin however lost a crap load of weight while still smoking weed but rather than spending her money on healthy food she'd spend it on weed so her diet mainly consisted of lots of coffee, coke (the kind you drink, not snort :P ) and taco bell once a day (to satisfy her munchies) . She's skinny as hell but now has major depression issues and dependency on marijuana because she credits the marijuana for making her "feel" better and stay thin when everyone around her can see it's causing her more problems than it is solving. She IS physically and emotionally addicted and dependent on her weed.... it's quite sad really.

    The only way to know how it will work with you is try it. Try your diet and fitness plan for the first 30 days still smoking and evaluate how you feel. Then try 30 days without it. Everyone's issues and situations are different. Maybe you can, maybe you can't. Try, and be honest with yourself about the results.
  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member
    I know lots of people who smoke weed and their in shape. So nope, you dont gotta quit to lose weight,

    Depends on how you define "in shape." If you personally define being in shape as "normal weight" then okay.
    For me, I picture someone with lower % of body fat around 12% to consider them semi in shape.

    I have seen people who smoke weed at normal weights, but currrently haven't seen someone with lower than average body fat levels do it.

    If they were normal weight i would of said they were normal. In shape as in lean and athletic.
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