New here and just waned to sy hi

6 weeks ago, my doctor asked if I'm trying to lose weight, and mentoned weight watchers (keyboard Is acting up, my apologies). So I figured the only way I wouldn't hear those comments is to actually do something. This is my first time stuggling with weight. At first, as I was young, I couldn't gain an ounce. Now, I'm trying to lose all those ounces, lol!

So for the past 6 weeks I drastically cut my caloris and started walking. I'm down 9 pounds and lost 2 inches around my waist in those 6 weeks. I'm walking at about 3-4 mph, and just joined a small friendly gym. My consult last night taught me that I'm in as bad of shae as I thought, and that I really can do more than I thought I could and I really am a quick study.

I am still extremely motivatd after 6 weeks, I don't see it slowng down anytime soon, and I really hope to be able to shed these 45lbs and to really build up my core and relieve this back pain.

Again, apologies for the keyboard malfunction :)


  • VickyO1977
    VickyO1977 Posts: 156 Member
    Well done for taking the first steps and you have done great over the last 6 weeks keep going you can do it.
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    nice welcome!!
  • SandiAue
    SandiAue Posts: 4
    I've only been at this a week and love the program. Good Luck to you!!!
  • snejkaxo
    snejkaxo Posts: 91 Member
    I am doing the same thing - big food intake reduction and increase in exercises. So far so good. I trying to surround myself with people who have similar goals, so we can motivate each other. You can add me to your friend's list, if you'd like to share progress.
  • Firesong42
    Firesong42 Posts: 1
    Hello All! I am new to My Fitness Pal. I am a dietitian who is looking to lose some pounds myself. I have told patients about the site but had never been on myself. I am on Day 3 of tracking and it's great. No muss, no fuss! I also like that you can get reports. Tracking my intake in conjunction with The Shred program by Dr. Ian Smith. Weight management is a journey and I am happy to using the MyFitnessPal. Happy Friday!