'plateau' can't loose anymore weight

so far i have lost about 20 pounds and still have a ways to go. I weighed myself this morning after 2 weeks and only lost 0.6 lbs! very frustrating. does anyone have any 'plateau' remedies to get my weight loss kick started again?



  • Are you doing resistance training? If not, I'd recommend it to increase lean muscle and increase your metabolism.

    Remember it's not about the scale weight but about body fat %...

    If you can loose 1# of fat and gain 1# of muscle, that's a huge difference in overall mass.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Switching up your exercise can really be a boon. For me it was as simple as choosing another exercise machine. (Elliptical over treadmill.) I also found that after those first 20 pounds I got a little lazier in my food choices. Buckling down on that, drinking more water, and just being patient was what finally worked.

    Good luck. Plateau's are major frustrating.