Jillian Michaels 30 Day shred feed back...

Hey Everyone,

I lost 60 lbs by mostly diet and running. and decided to add a bit of overall cardio and strength trainng VIA the 30 day shred DVD. In addition to the 20 minute workout i have been running 2 miles before every session.

I just started and today will be my 3rd day straight doing the first level.
Even with the running the cardio segments have been (not easy) but within my limits. but the strength segments are killing me. I am a guy (obviously) and have been using 5 pound weights for everything (except the chest flys i use 8 pound weights) and i have been severe struggling with the first streangth segment (push-ups and the squat thrusts)

anyone have any feedback or tips to help with the strength section or at least news that after 5 or 7 days straight it was more manageable?

also I know it has been brought up in some older forums but is everyone going 30 days straight or taking 1 or 2 days off per week?

feed back would be very appreciated!


  • SleeplessinBerlin
    SleeplessinBerlin Posts: 513 Member

    I just finished my 2nd round of 30DS. The first round was in October/November last year, after that followed Jillian's Ripped in 30 (similar concept) and now the Shred again.

    When I started I wasn't able to do 1 military push-up. I wasn't even able to get through the push-ups doing them on my knees without resting. Jumping lunges (level 3) were out of the question, so were squat thrusts and other things.

    Today I completed last day of level 3 doing the advanced version of all exercises. Some are still tougher than others. I am able to to all military push-ups without resting. Jumping lunges are no problem either. I upped my weights on most exercises as well.

    I promise you will see your strength growing, just give it time. Once you switch to level 2 and then level 3 you might feel like you are a beginner again - that's normal. Just keep on doing it.

    The routine Jillian recommends is: shred - shred - cardio day - shred - shred - cardio day - rest day.
    Also, I believe you might benefit more from doing your cardio (running) AFTER your strength training, not the other way around.

    Good luck :)
  • ElizabethObviously
    ElizabethObviously Posts: 380 Member
    Maybe alternate days with the 5 and 8's? That way you are still working but letting your arms heal a little.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Just keep doing it, it gets easier. I think level 1 got easier for me after day 5 or 6. I only took one rest day the 1st 30 days, and 3 the second time I did it. A lot of people take a rest day between levels.

    Nice to see a guy doing it...I tried to get my boyfriend to do it with me, and he never would. I think it had a lot to do with the fact that the trainer is a chick.
  • kerryradz
    kerryradz Posts: 81 Member
    the first strength section kills me too! i'm just interested to see what people's advice is, thanks for the post :smile:
  • theflash777
    theflash777 Posts: 17
    good to know. thanks... (I had never even done a girl push up till the second round of push-ups after the squat thrusts)
  • theflash777
    theflash777 Posts: 17
    I will say i think it helps to see girls doing these exercises... being a guy it's like... if blonde overthrew can do this so can I!
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Some of these moves are more endurance than strength....it would probably difficult to do that many reps without any weight at all.
  • Cherryripple
    Cherryripple Posts: 27 Member
    I have done 11 days of level 1 so far but had sunday as the only rest day in between. I found it quite hard to do initially (even though it's a simple routine) and day 3 was the worst for me. I also flagged a bit yesterday but, overall, it does get easier to manage the longer you do it and I have noticed a massive difference in my endurance in such a short time.

    I'm considering doing Jillian Michaels' Yoga Meltdown level 1, on my rest days as an alternative.
  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member
    For me personally, after a few days it did get easier. I'm on day 26 (Level 3 day 6) and its still tough, but it's easier than the first few days. I do it every day if possible, but there has been a couple days where I have had to miss due to my migraines, but for the most part, I try to do it every single day if I can. So far I've already seen differences, even this morning after going 3 days over my calories by a lot, I noticed a difference. I <3 her shred. I will either be doing her ripped in 30 next, or her new Hard Body one, I havn't quite decided yet!

    CherylLester I don't know if you have done her Yoga Meltdown or not, but if you haven't, don't expect it to be easy!
  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member
    I will say i think it helps to see girls doing these exercises... being a guy it's like... if blonde overthrew can do this so can I!

    It's also nice to see that there are guys doing it :) Way to go:flowerforyou:
  • lbecker69
    lbecker69 Posts: 6 Member
    Am I overlooking something when logging exercises, but do you have to log each individual exercise with the 30 day shred to figure out how many calories burned? Guess I'm not sure how many calories I'm burning doing this.

    Thanks in advance for any replies:happy:
  • Cherryripple
    Cherryripple Posts: 27 Member
    For me personally, after a few days it did get easier. I'm on day 26 (Level 3 day 6) and its still tough, but it's easier than the first few days. I do it every day if possible, but there has been a couple days where I have had to miss due to my migraines, but for the most part, I try to do it every single day if I can. So far I've already seen differences, even this morning after going 3 days over my calories by a lot, I noticed a difference. I <3 her shred. I will either be doing her ripped in 30 next, or her new Hard Body one, I havn't quite decided yet!

    CherylLester I don't know if you have done her Yoga Meltdown or not, but if you haven't, don't expect it to be easy!

    I don't expect it to be easy at all.
    I thought it would be an ideal alternative for me, rather than continuing to do a "jumpy" exercise on, what was, my rest day.:smokin:
  • theflash777
    theflash777 Posts: 17
    Am I overlooking something when logging exercises, but do you have to log each individual exercise with the 30 day shred to figure out how many calories burned? Guess I'm not sure how many calories I'm burning doing this.

    Thanks in advance for any replies:happy:

    ill be honest... I don't log my exercises anymore... I always eat a fixed number of calories regardless of my workouts. I just found that keeping track of food was enough work without exercise as well. not to mention food is a lot more accurate to keep track of but exercise ties into your weight, height, effort, reps, heart rate ect... I just feel like it would be hard to be accurate...

    I tired for a while but found myself using my calories burned as an excuse to cheat on my eating.

    hope this helps
  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member
    For me personally, after a few days it did get easier. I'm on day 26 (Level 3 day 6) and its still tough, but it's easier than the first few days. I do it every day if possible, but there has been a couple days where I have had to miss due to my migraines, but for the most part, I try to do it every single day if I can. So far I've already seen differences, even this morning after going 3 days over my calories by a lot, I noticed a difference. I <3 her shred. I will either be doing her ripped in 30 next, or her new Hard Body one, I havn't quite decided yet!

    CherylLester I don't know if you have done her Yoga Meltdown or not, but if you haven't, don't expect it to be easy!

    I don't expect it to be easy at all.
    I thought it would be an ideal alternative for me, rather than continuing to do a "jumpy" exercise on, what was, my rest day.:smokin:

    Hmm. Well even with doing 30DS I find her Yoga meltdown tough! But it is fun! ^_^
  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member
    Am I overlooking something when logging exercises, but do you have to log each individual exercise with the 30 day shred to figure out how many calories burned? Guess I'm not sure how many calories I'm burning doing this.

    Thanks in advance for any replies:happy:

    ill be honest... I don't log my exercises anymore... I always eat a fixed number of calories regardless of my workouts. I just found that keeping track of food was enough work without exercise as well. not to mention food is a lot more accurate to keep track of but exercise ties into your weight, height, effort, reps, heart rate ect... I just feel like it would be hard to be accurate...

    I tired for a while but found myself using my calories burned as an excuse to cheat on my eating.

    hope this helps

    I track all my exercise. But I love to eat. Still lose weight doing so though, so eh. I track it as Circuit Training. :)
  • Amy_Andrews
    Amy_Andrews Posts: 106
    I just started level 2 yesterday.
    At the beginning of level 1 I was like you - unable to complete an entire set without taking a break. By the end of the level, I was doing everything high impact. I also moved up from 5 to 8 lbs on *most* excersizes (not including those anterior raises!)

    Now at the beginning of level 2, I'm unable to complete the entire set again and I'm back down to 5 lb weights. Your endurance and strength WILL improve, just stick with it and give it your best. It's only 20 minutes, you can do it!

    I also run/cross train in addition to the 30DS, but I do it afterwards. And every Sunday is a rest day, so it took me 11 days to finish level 1.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I loved 30 Day Shred. It was really my first venture into regular exercise last summer when I decided to start losing weight. I was really out of shape and couldn't really complete all the reps of anything for the first few days, but I got better as I got stronger. Even by the time the 30 days were up, I still couldn't do all of the "advanced" modified moves in Level 3. I took 1 day off per week.

    I did Ripped in 30 afterwards, loved it, then started running, got a bunch more of her DVDs, started taking ballet classes, and started lifting weights at the gym. 30 lbs later, I'm in the best shape of my life, I surpassed my goal weight (this of course was due to a good diet too), and I still love doing her DVDs all the time. Her new one, Hard Body, is awesome. It's really challenging and it makes me yell at the TV!
  • 19Lindsay76
    19Lindsay76 Posts: 135
    I will say i think it helps to see girls doing these exercises... being a guy it's like... if blonde overthrew can do this so can I!

    It's also nice to see that there are guys doing it :) Way to go:flowerforyou:

    I agree! I am also glad to see that there are guys that find this a challenge as I do some days. Keep up up the awesome work :happy:
    This is my second time around with this workout, and i promise you, after a couple of days you will find it gets much easier on your body. Lvl 3 is a toughie...but you have lots of time until u get to that one.
  • sbadger12175
    I'm on day 3 and its kicking my butt . Trying to work it out. I work for ups and I lift boxes all day long and was surprised how sore this made my arms and shoulders with only 3 lb weight !
  • ThePinkPenguin
    I tried the 30DS when I was about a month into my weight loss journey, but I think I jumped in a little too soon. I hurt my neck twice and I had to take so many breaks/do the beginner level of the exercises. Normally I know that's not a bad thing, but I was dead tired when I tried to push myself to the advanced level. I ended up scrapping it after the first day of Level 3 when I got my second injury and figured I wasn't ready for it yet. But I still have it in my DVD rotation, and I may come back to it when I know more about proper form and feel stronger. When that happens, I will just start over.